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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: "G" Branch HQ 15 (S) INF DIV
Month and Year: July 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Maj Gen GHA MacMillan, CBE, DSO, MC
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
PUTOT EN BESSIN 1   Instr for relief of 15 (S) Div by 53 Div issued Appx "A"
2   Main HQ moved to SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN 9274; est about 1200 hrs
SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN 3   Div location statement issued for locations as at 1200 hrs Appx "B"
4   Div Comd's conference on Lessons from Recent Ops attended by all COs.
5   Notes on Div Comd's conference of 4 Jul issued. Appx "C"
6   Message O 189 regarding the use of passwords in 8 Corps area issued. Appx "D"
11   Div Comd's briefing conference on Op "GREENLINE" held at this HQ
13 0200 Div under comd 12 Corps
LA MARE 14 0945 HQ moved to LA MARE 9367; est 1100 hrs
14 1000 OO No 3 for Op "GREENLINE" issued Appx "E"
14   Appx "D" to above OO issued Appx "F"
15   Appx "C" to OO No 3 issued containing Arty Sp Outline Plan Appx "G"
15   Div Traffic Organisation trace issued Appx "H"
16 1540 15 (S) Div Op Instr No 2 issued concerning the holding of certain objectives Appx "I"
16 2310 No damage was done and two enemy a/c were probably destroyed by AA fire
16 2325 No damage was done and two enemy a/c were probably destroyed by AA fire
17 2300 - 2400 The Div area was bombed. No bombs fell in the immediate vicinity of HQ.
LE MESNIL PATRY 18   HQ moved to LE MESNIL PATRY 902703 and was est there at 1045 hrs.
18 1440 15 (S) Div Op Instr No 4 issued, stating the policy of 12 Corps, under whose comd the Div now is, and setting out various reliefs. Appx "J"
18   Amendment No 1 to above Op Instr issued. Appx "K"
19 2040 Div Op Instr No 5 issued, containing instrs for the lifting of certain minefds and having att a trace showing Corps, Div and Bde bdys Appx "L"
21 2330 Div Op Instr No 6 issued concerning the relief of 5 US Div on 24 Jul by 15 (S) Div Appx "M"
21   Div came under comd 30 Corps
BALLEROY 23 0900 HQ moved to area BALLEROY 698690; est there 1200 hrs.
24 0900 Counter Mortar conference held
24   Div Location Statement issued Appx "N"
24 2030 Div Op Instr No 8 issued, relating to relief of 44 (L) Inf Bde by 46 (H) Inf Bde on night 26/27 Jul Appx "O"
24   Amendment No 1 to above Op Instr issued Appx "P"
25   15 (S) Div Op Instr No 9 issued, relating to the picking up of
25   American minefds and the laying of further minefds. Appx "Q"
25 1730 Staff meeting held to arrange details of routes and timings for the relief detailed in Div Op Instr No 8 (Shown as Appx "O").
26 0815 Div Op Instr No 10 issued, laying down the counter attack roles for each Bde Appx "S"
26 1930 New Div Op Instr No 7 issued, laying down the orders regarding patrols in lieu of a previous Op Instr No 7 on same subject, which was cancelled. Appx "R"
28   Div is under comd 8 Corps.
28 1730 Staff meeting held to decide routes and timings for reliefs taking place on night 29/30 Jul vide Div Op Instr No 8.
28   Secret Routine Order No 348, and Appx "A" to same, issued Appx "T"
30 0730 Op "BLUECOAT" begins.
LA CHAPELLE 30 1500 HQ moved to LA CHAPELLE 7062; est there about 1730 hrs.
31 1130 Div Op Instr No 11 issued, laying down the tasks for the capture of the high ground in sq 6742, 6842, 6942 and 7142. Appx "U"
31 1845 Div Op Instr No 12 issued, laying down the Div task as the protection of the LEFT flank of 8 Corps. Appx "V"

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Source: The War Diaries of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division June 1944 - May 1945.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.