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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 6th Guards Tank Brigade
Month and Year: March 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Brigadier G.L. Verney, M.V.O.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
WELBECK 1   3 Tk Bn Scots Guards fired at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
2   3 Tk Bn Scots Guards fired at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
3   4 Tk Bn Grenadier Guards fired at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
4   4 Tk Bn Grenadier Guards fired at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
5   4 Tk Bn Grenadier Guards fired at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
7   Capt L. Dawnay, Coldstream Guards, is att to this HQ as G.S.O. III from 4 Tk Bn Coldstream Guards.
9   Ex "Open" II for Bde 'B' Echelons and Bde training, begins.
10   Ex "Open" II ends.
13   Members of Bde HQ Staff and W.O's. fired at Totley small arms range.
14   Remaining Staff Officers and W.O's. of Bde HQ fire at Totley.
16   Capt C.T.Vesey, Royal Artillery, is att to this HQ as Intelligence Officer from R.A. Depot Woolwich.
16   Lieut K. Herrington, Coldstream Guards, is att to this HQ as Senior L.O. from Regtl Hq Coldstream Guards.
17   Ex "Smith". The Bde was inspected by His Majesty the King.
20   Main body of 44 (L) Inf Bde arrive.
21   Bde HQ moved into a harbour area in the field prior to Ex "Tatler".
21   44 Bde cooperate with the Bns in Sqn/Coy exercises.
22   Bde HQ moved into a fresh harbour area nearby to the conc area.
22   Bn exercises with 44 Bde.
23   Ex "Tatler" begins. The Bde moves into the conc area under Comd 15 (S) Inf Div.
24   Ex "Tatler" continues. The Bde moves fwd and fights a successful action in the afternoon. Bde HQ was visited by The Air Minister, accompanied by two clerical M.P's.
25   Ex "Tatler" ends. The Bde returns to Static Locations. Conference on the Ex with 15 (S) Inf Div.
26   227 (H) Inf Bde from 15 (S) Inf Div send adv party.
26   4 Tk Bn Coldstream Guards fire at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
26   227 (H) Inf Bde main body arrives.
28   4 Tk Bn Coldstream Guards fire at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
28   227 (H) Inf Bde cooperation Sqn/Coy exercises.
29   3 Tk Bn Scots Guards fire at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
29   227 (H) Inf Bde Bn/Regt exercises.
30   3 Tk Bn Scots Guards and 4 Tk Bn Grenadier Guards fire half day each at Midhope A.F.V. Range. 46 (H) Inf Bde adv parties arrive.
31   4 Tk Bn Grenadier Guards fire at Midhope A.F.V. Range.
31   46 (H) lnf Bde Main body arrives.

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Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.