Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 1 Worcestershire Regiment
Month and Year: January 1945 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. A.W. Vickers
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
BUNDE 1   Bn. continued work on the Defensive posns in the BRUNSSUM area. A detailed recce of further defensive posn sited on the slag heap of STAATSMIJN HENDRIK BRUNSSUM was carried out by the C.O. & Bde Comd 129 Bde.  
  2   The work on the defensive posns continued and was completed.
Recces of counter-attack Roles were carried out down to Pl & Tp Comd level.
Appendix "A"
  3   The 2i/c and 2i/c of Coys left very early in morning for EYNATTEN near AACHEN where recces were carried out of the Bn defensive posn which would be taken up in the event of a serious break through.  
  4   During this period Coys carried our general training which was limited to Bn area as Bn was at short notice to move to the AACHEN sector in an Anti-Paratroop Role.  
  5   as day 4  
  6   as day 4  
  7   as day 4  
  8   Comd Offr and Coy Comds. carried out a detailed recce of a Bn Defensive posn immediately East of MEERSSEN. This posn was part of the Div Layback Line to be taken up in the event of a serious threat towards the River MEUSE in the MAASTRICHT area. Appendix "C" Appendix "D" Appendix "E"
  9   Comd Offr and Comd Offr TK Cold'm Gds carried out recce for a counter-attack role within the Div Layback Line towards NUTH.  
  10   Orders received that Bn. would relieve 4/5 R.S.F. (52 L. Div.) in the line in the area TRIPSRATH - HOCHHEID - HOVEN WOODS on the 11th.
Bn Offrs Dance held in MEERSSEN at 20.00 hrs.
  10 2230 Comd Offr & Bn I.O. attended Bde "O" Group where detailed orders for the relief were ordered.  
  11 0030 Bn. "O" Group. Detailed orders for relief of 4/5 R.S.F. were issued.  
  11 0630 Bn "R" Group left for new area. Bn left BUNDE embussed at approx 10.00 hrs and lay-up in the NEIDERHEIDE area.  
  11 1600 Relief commenced and was successfully completed without incident at 21.45 hrs. No casualties. Bn. H.Q. established at HOCHHEID with two Coys in TRIPSRATH and two in HOVEN WOODS.
Intensely cold - over 26° of frost.
HOCHHEID 12   Quiet day. Some mortaring in TRIPSRATH area. During the evening spasmodic Spandau fire from KIDNEY FEATURE and SPANDAU WOOD - No casualties.
Retaliation Tasks were fired by Arty and Heavy Mortars and own Mortars.
Bde Comd gave the Bn the task of clearing certain area of own and enemy mines between TRIPSRATH and HOVEN WOODS. Preliminary recces carried out by Pnr Pl. Protective Patrols were carried out.
HOCHHEID 13   Quiet day in Bn area. Some Mortaring in TRIPSRATH. Spandau firing on TRIPSRATH area from Spandau Wood.
Increased retaliation by own Arty and Mortars was carried out by day and night.
  14   A noticeable decrease of enemy movement on Bn front as a result of our offensive fire. Pnrs. continued recceing and defining own minefields in area. Snipers working towards SPANDAU WOOD claim Boches.  
  15   Quiet Day. Some mortaring of Bn area. Preparations were made for a "CHINESE PARTY" to be held approx. 300 yds from SPANDAU WOOD. Object being to make the enemy disclose his M.G. posns and by a prepared fire plan of Arty M.M.G's., Mortars & L.M.G's. to cause him casualties and deter him from his habit of harassing Spandau fire. Fog caused postponement of this "party".  
  16   Quiet Day. Preparations made for "CHINESE PARTY" which commenced at 20.30 hrs. At first no enemy re-action. 20 minutes later 3 Spandau opened up and the prepared stonks were brought down.  
  17   Visibility excellent. Every opportunity of engaging enemy movements were engaged especially by U.S. Arty. Observers using "I" O.P. Pnr Pl continued task of recceing and defining own minefields.  
  18   Quiet Day. More enemy activity was observed and stonked by U.S. Arty. Pnr Pl continued recce of minefields and recce patrols and contact patrols were active during night. Field Returns d/d 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
  19   Quiet Day. As it was expected that own tanks would be operating in area in the near future, all signal cables between Bn. H.Q. and TRIPSRATH were to be buried. Work was started on this. Inter-Coy relief was carried out - the forward Coy in Hoven Woods being relieved by the reserve Coy in TRIPSRATH without incident.  
HOCHHEID 20   Quiet Day. Visibility varying owing to snow-storms.  
  21   Quiet Day. As a result of a brain wave of the signal officer the B.B.C. news was commenced to be relayed daily to all Coys over the telephone lines.  
  22   An exciting morning as at first sight appeared to be an attack by own a/c in the area was in fact a dog fight between F.W. 190's, Typhoons and one Tempest.  
  22 1600 A pre-arranged L.M.G., 2" & 3" Mortar fire was brought down on KONIGSHOF in support of 129 Bde's attack on STRAETEN. It was later learnt that this attack did not go in. Considerable enemy movement from West to East was observed and dealt with by Arty and mortar fire.  
  23 0800 A repeat of previous shoot was carried out in sp of 129 Bde's attack, informed 08.15 attack was to go in at 08.35 so yet again the shoot was carried out. Increased enemy activity and Bn. H.Q. area was shelled.  
HOCHHEID 24   As a result of attacks on the enemy the front was quiet. The plot was made for "A" Coy to move tonight to N.E. corner DORSET WOOD and relieve Coy of 5 DCLI and "B" Coy to occupy KIDNEY FEATURE. The Pioneer Pl and sapper Section commenced lifting operations of the recced minefields. As a result of a recce patrol to KONIGSHOF a Pl of "A" Coy was ordered to seize and occupy. This was successfully carried out - 7 P.W. - no casualties.  
  25   A recce patrol sent to area HOVEN reported it unoccupied - a plan was made by the Comd. Offr for "C" Coy to occupy the northern end of HOVEN WOOD and for "D" Coy to pass through "C" Coy and occupy HOVEN. This was effectively carried out with one casualty from a Boche mine. Pnr Pl continued lifting minefield night 25/26 and the Pnr Comd died as a result of an explosion of a sensitive 75 Grenade.  
  26   Recce Party left for area HULSBERG and returned same night. Bn concentrated in general area TRIPSRATH - RISCHDEN and HOCHHEID as the war had moved on. Orders received for Bn to move to HULSBERG on the 27th.  
HULSBERG 27 1700 Bn left area and arrived new area by 17.00 hrs.  
  28   Liberty Trips and Cinema shows. Baths at BRUNSSUM. Appendix "F" & "G"
  29   Liberty Trips and Cinema shows. Baths at BRUNSSUM.  
  30 0500 Recce Party left for area TURNHOUT.  
  31 1200 Bn left embussed and arrived complete in new area by 18.00 hrs (BEERSSE).  

next month

Source: The Worcestershire Regiment.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.