Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 3rd R. Tks.
Month and Year: December 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.W. Brown M.C.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
HELMOND 1 1000 CO to Bde - re-organisation and trg.
1 1430 CO's conference. Trg and future move. Appx V.1.
2 1430 A Sqn move into HELMOND.
3 0900 D&M Cadre Course commences.
3 1000 CO addresses all ranks.
3 1100 C of E Service.
3 1430 CO to Bde meet Corps Comd.
3 2030 Notes on Bde conference issued. Appx V.2.
4 0845 IO to Bde for refresher issued.
4 0900 Tank Commanders' Course commences under Major N.H. Bourne, DSO.
4 1000 Bn Sig Offr to Bde Signal Conference.
4 1130 Movement Order No.1 issued for driving at VALKENSWAARD. Appx V.3
4 1845 Amendment No.1 to Movement Order No.1 issued. Appx V.3
5 0930 Adv party moves to VALKENSWAARD.4 Offrs and 47 ORs to ANTWERP on short leave.Major N.H. Bourne, Capt G.L. Ryder, and Lt W.D. Sullivan to Bde to meet Major Cashmore, Gunnery Wing, AFV Schools to discuss training programme.
5 1500 Preliminary instructions issued for disposal of tanks.
6 0930 Informal visit from Bde Comd to inspect accn and trg facilities. Appx V.4
6 1430 CO and 2 IC to Bde to meet Army Comd and discuss Leave.
6 1600 Further Instrs re disposal of tks issued. Appx V.5
7 0800 14 Sherman Ics commence move to 254 Corps Del Sqn to be handed over.
8 1000 Preliminary instrs re move of tanks to new location issued. Appx V.6
8 1500 Party give to 130 evacuee children from VENLO.
8 1530 Instr re disposal of 25 Sherman Vs issued. Appx V.7
8 1600 Movement Order No.2 issued. Appx V.8
8 1900 B Sqn dance.
9 1700 Col G.J. Dean M.C., and Major McCabe visit Unit and stay night.
HELMOND 10 1030 RC Service/
10 1100 CofE Service.
10 1800 Preliminary Instrs for move issued.
10 1815 Orders for move from VALKENSWAARD issued. Appx V.9
11   Normal routine. Appx V.10
12 1100 Movement Orders Nos. 3 and 4 issued. Appces V.11 and 12
12 1730 Movement Order No. 5 issued.General preparations for move. Appx V.13
13   Preparations for move. Amendment No.1 to Movement Order No.5 issued. Appx V.13
14   Preparations for move.
14 2030 Main Party formed up to move.
14 2115 Moved from HELMOND.
14 2200 Arrived Start Point.
14 2215 Left Start Point.
15 0600 Half for breakfast.
15 1220 Arrived YPRES.
15 1250 Arrived POPERINGHE.
15 1800 CO's conference. Accn and trg.
POPERINGHE 16   Settling in. Vehicule maintenance. Training.
17 1300 Details of Tank Commanders' Course issued. Training. Appx V.14
18 1900 Details of Instructors' Cadre Course issued. Training. Appx V.15
19   Training continued.
20 0140 Telephone message from Bde. CO required to attend conference 0800 hrs.
20 0800 CO to Bde. Possibility of move.
20 0830 Ordered to be ready to move by 1200 hrs.
20 1100 Verbal orders to move at 1500 hrs. To collect tanks at 256 Army Del Sqn.
20 1430 Orders cancelled by phone, but being checked.
20 1445 Ordered to move as soon as 2 FF Yeo are clear of YPRES.
20 1530 Bn, less Rear Party left to hold accn, and spare crews to continue trg, moved out.
20 2130 Arrived ZELLICK. Stopped for night.
20 2230 Orders Group. Own tanks have not arrived. A Sqn has biggest allotment of tanks from Army Del Sqn. They move first to 256 Army Del Sqn LAEKEN.
LAEKEN 21 0700 Regt re-equipping at LAEKEN.
21 0830 Orders Group. Enemy reported at MARCHE.Own Tps. Amer 7 Armd Div and Inf reported holding ROCHEFORT (2076) and CIERGNON. (1077). Rly br NORTH of DINANT watched by one section of Recce Tp. Bde under comd 30 Corps and 53 Div.Role. Tp prevent enemy from crossing R. MEUSE.
21 0900 CO to R. MEUSE.
21 1100 A Sqn advance to R. MEUSE.
21 1130 Remainder of Bn advance to R. MEUSE.
ONHAYE 21 1900 Bn harboured at ONHAYE (9486) less A Sqn DINANT (9788).
22 0800 CO and OC C Sqn recce posns for delaying actions EAST of R. MEUSE.
22 1030 C Sqn moved to EAST of bridge. CO reported MARCHE clear.Tac HQ established at SORINNE.
22 1830 Bty 53 Med Regt RA att.
22 1830 Orders Group. Infm. Enemy has reached BASTOGNE.Own Tps. 84 Amer Inf Div in area MARCHE - HOTTON. 3 Amer Armd Div to NE. HCR patrols NAMUS-CHALREROI. 53 Div LOUVAIN - ORTIGNE.Intention. 3 R Tks will delay vigorously any enemy attempt to cross R. MEUSE at DINANT.Method. C Sqn will delay enemy at the ACHENE posn (0989), then withdraw to BIOUL (9296). Recce to withdraw to ANHEE (9695). A Sqn will delay enemy at SORINNE (0488) and withdraw to SOSOYE (9293). G Coy 8 RB will hold DINANT crossing and hold A Sqn withdrawal, then revert to own comd. B Sqn to move up to posn WEST of DINANT and withdraw (after A and C have gone through) to ST GERARD (8898). RHQ to move to ST GERARD.
22 2200 Orders from Bde cancelling previous orders. River must now be held at all cost. Enemy half track reported 5 mls SOUTH of C Sqn posns.Capt N.F.F. Kent accidently injured by American veh and evacuated.
23 0800 CO and 2IC to Tac HQ at SORINNE.
23 1100 B Sqn move EAST of DINANT bridge in posn to protect A Sqn's SOUTHERN flank.
24 0200 Jeep manned by anemy tried to run through RB posns but was stopped by mines 2 German SS killed: one wounded and taken PW.
24 0600 Enemy reported in CELLES (0584).
24 1000 Mk IV Special knocked out by C Sqn SOUTH of ACHENE. C Sqn pulled back NORTH of A Sqn posns at SORINNE. 1 Sc car temporarily abandoned (subsenquently recovered) as unable to start.
24 1100 Twp PANTHERS knocked out by 3 Tp A Sqn SORINNE.
24 1200 1 Tp A Sqn at BOISSELLES (0385) knocked out 1/2 track and one other vehicle. Capt J.D. Rosser 2 Amer Armd Div as LO.A B and C Sqns close in on br head. New posns: A - GEMECHENNE (0189) B - Bridge at 0088: C - LOYERS (0191).
24 1400 Major General E.L. Bols, DSO, GOC 6 Airborne Div called and stated that one his Bdes would be on the ground in our posn by Tuesday (26th) am.
24 1415 Bde Comd visits CO.
24 1500 Heavy medium stonk on BOISSEILLES.
24 1600 RAF ALO reported to Tac HQ and functionned over rear link net.
24 1830 A Sqn (less 1 Tp) pulled back to ONHAYE in anti-paratroop role. 1 Tp in DINANT.
24 2130 Orders received from Bde that Bn is to advance tomorrow. Objective - 084887. Enemy is suspected to be running out of petrol. 53 Div to take over our posns.
25 0800 B Sqn move towards SORINNE and occupied village. Sub units cleared FOY NOTRE DAME and in conjunction with pl RB took about 40 PW. C Sqn with pl RB and Recce Tp advanced towards BOISSEILLES and occupied it, destroying 1 armd car, 1 Half-track. 1 Jeep and 1 truck.
25 1600 Major J.D. Dunlop, MC, wounded by sniper when dismounting from sc car. RHQ at SORINNE. A and B Sqns move fwd to take up posns on high ground EAST of FOY NOTRE DAME facing EAST and SOUTHEAST. C Sqn and Recce Tp (less one sec) at BOISSEILLES. A Sqn and one sec Recce Tp at CELLES. Thyphoons called in to attack enemy tpt on road SSE of CELLES.
26 1700 A Sqn to withdraw to SORINNE for night: B to GEMECHENNE. B Sqn brewed up two PANTHERS which were found in running order but out of petrol.
26 1730 Enemy paratroops reported dropped near GIVET.
27 0800 A Sqn and sec Recce Tp move to posn on high ground EAST of SORINNE.
27 1200 General White (2 Amer Armd Div) visited CO.A Sqn report bag in wood EAST of FOY NOTRE DAME was 2 Mk IV tks, 4 Half-tracks 2 MC, 10 cars, 1 105mm fd gun, 3 88mm A tk guns, 3 LAA guns.
28 0800 Orders from Bde to send Harbour Parties to FINNEVAUX to recce new area.
28 1000 Parties left under 2IC.
28 1400 RHQ, Recce Tp and A Sqn located FINNEVAUX: B Sqn - ESCHAUX: C Sqn - WIESME G Coy 8 RB - MESNIL EGLISE. B Sqn to be ready to move at 290745.
29 0900 RAP and Recce Tp move to FESCHAUX for better accn.Defensive posns arranged in area. 1 Tp B Sqn sent to WANLIN to contact 53 Div. Sec of Recce Tp also sent out.
29 1315 CO on recce as far as road WANLIN 1371.
29 1615 CO returned and tied up defensive posns with sqn comds.
30   30 Corps taking up posns on WEST of GERMAN salient whilst 1st and 3rd American Armies attack from NORTH and SOUTH.
30 1130 CO conducts ballot for privilege leave to UK.Tp of A Sqn in contact with 53 Div.
31   Tp of C Sqn in contact with 53 Div. Recce Sec - NTR.

previous month

Source: 11th Armoured Division.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.