Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 11 Armd Div Signals
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. J.L. Harrison
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
AMIENS AUBIGNY 1   Div HQ left AMIENS first light and was on the road all day, finally harbouring at AUBIGNY in the evening. Lines were laid to Bdes but the only comn with Corps was by wireless.
LENS 2   Div HQ moved to area North of LENS. Rear Div is also keeping pace with main Div and harboured in the same area. Lines were provided to Bdes and Rear Div. Still no line to Corps. Wireless working satisfactorily.
LOMBEEK ST.CATHERINE 3   Div HQ adv at 0800 hrs over the Belgian border and were on the road all day, finally harbouring at midnight at LOMBEEK ST.CATHERINE. No lines were laid and rear links gave some difficulty. Comn est on all links by 0200 hrs.
WILLEBROEK AARTSELAAR 4   Div HQ moved 1300 hrs to WILLEBROEK, harboured there for two hours, then proceeded to AARTSELAAR. Rear Div moved to harbour at WILLEBROEK. Lines laid to Bdes. No line to Corps. RT link to Corps only strength 2-3 over distance of 20 miles.
AARTSELAAR 5   Corps Sigs provided line but comns were never est. Local power wires and tram lines caused considerable interference on all lines. In such areas it is necessary to lay twin cable if line comn is to be satisfactory.
6   159 I.B. moved into centre of ANTWERP. Efforts were made to connect them by line, but crossings of tram wires gave considerable difficulty, especially as heavy rain caused induction in the line making it difficult to handle. Wireless to 159 I.B. strength 3 on account of screening. Wherever possible the siting of HQs in towns should be avoided if satisfactory comns are going to be provided.
7   Efforts to build line to 159 I.B. continued after the trams had been stopped. 29 A.B. ordered under Comd 30 Corps; frequencies and code lists fowd to OC 4 Sqn.
8   29 A.B. left Div Comd net. CSO 30 Corps ordered medium power set on CRE rear link to CE in an endeavour to hasten the transmission of RE information.
DIEST 9   Main Div HQ moved a.m. to area DIEST. The Div concentrated in that area and lines were laid to Bdes, Recce Regt and Rear Div. Corps Sigs provided 2 lines to Main Div and 1 to Raer Div. Before departing from ANTWERP area a trace of all lines laid was handed to 53 Div Sigs for their use.
DIEST HEUSDEN 10   Main Div HQ moved in the afternoon to HEUSDEN. Lines were laid to Bdes and a lateral to Gds Armd Div, Corps providing one line. Considerable difficulties experienced on wireless links from CW & RT interference. Careful checking of freqs by the Monitor gave assistance in the clearing up of these difficulties. Damage to 9 KVA Generating Set due to collapse of superstructure; these eqpts are not sufficiently robust to stand up to cross-country ops.
HEUSDEN 11   Bdes moved forward; lines were extended (in the case of 29 A.B. to a length of 16 miles). A considerable amount of congestion of tfc in the bridgehead over the Albert Canal causing considerable damage to lines, constant maint is required.
PEER 12   Div HQ moved early afternoon to area PEER. As it is likely to stay in this location for several days lines were provided to Bdes, Recce Regts, Armd Car Regts and Rear Div. Line from Corps was of too great a length for good speech.
13   New freq allotment issued in an endeavour to give improved freqs to the Armd and Inf Bdes. Line lay-out improved. It is found that, owing to the sandy nature of the soil in this area, earth return lines were not satisfactory unless carefully cited, in some cases earth pins being planted as much as 300 yds from the Sig Office in an endeavour to find suitable soil. Bdes advised to pour water regularly on earth pins. Where possible metallic returns were provided. Corps and Rear Div moved nearer thus improving line situation. Appx 'A'
14   A certain amount of trouble with lines, caused mostly by faults between terminal box and switchboard. There must be tested before sending out maint parties. One lineman killed by shell fire whilst out on maintenance.
15   Armd Car Regt now becomes part of Armd Div and allotment of freqs becomes Div Sigs responsibility. Necessary freqs are allotted by Corps.
16   Div came under Comd 8 Corps. This made necessary the issue of a new freq allotment. Difficulty still being encountered in the supply of installation kits for carriers, als conversion kits for OP tks. Sig Tp […..] , which Regt has now torned the Div, taken on strength of this Unit thus reducing deficiencies in tradesmen which are now complete with the exception of DRs and Linemen. Appx 'B'
17   Two rfts arrived. CSO 8 Corps was asked to endeavour to find two Cpl Linemen as neither present personnel of rfts have provided suitable material.
18   Lines are working satisfactorily. Unsuccessful efforts were made to intercept Comd nets of Airborne Div taking part in Op "Market Garden" .
19   Four more rfts arrived. Planning for action to be taken for Op "Market Garden". Comd of tfc control over bridge - Meuse Escaut Canal - taken over from 3rd Brit Div. Information that Sig Tp of ICR is to be affiliated. Metallic cot continued along Div Centre line with a view to future use for Rear Div comns. Capt A.G. Cobden, Sigs Sec.Offr. interviewed at 21 Army Gp reference appointment to S.O.Signals appointment.
PEER ACHSEL 20   2 E.Ss posted to ICR Sig Tp. Main Div HQ moved mid-day to Monastery North of ACHSEL. Lines to Corps, Bdes and Rear Div who had moved to area 2 miles South of Monastery.
ACHSEL LEENDE 21   Main Div moved 1300 hrs to LEENDE. 'C' Tp laid twin D8 up Centre Line thus continuing comn with Rear Div. Lines also to Bdes, Corps and 3rd Brit Div. It is now necessary to lay single instead of twin cable as difficulty is being experienced in replacing this type of cable.
LEENDE 22   Trouble experienced with 1+1. This is the second apparatus to break down, in each case the main switch being the cause of the trouble. Corps provided 1+1, also 1 extra Tele F HP, the est of 6 being insufficient. These telephones are now distributed as follows:- Rear Div - AQ and Sig Office Main Div - ACV 1, HQ R.A. and Sig Office - One each to Bdes
SOMEREN 23   Main HQ moved a.m. to SOMEREN. Lines to Corps, Rear Div, and Bdes soon after arrival also, later, to 3rd Brit Div and Tac 29 Armd Bde. Further trouble experienced on Comd net due to break through from Comd net of Armd Regt. This is due to sitting of Regt1 HQ next door to Bde HQ. This must be avoided if Comd net is to be kept clear. Appx 'C'
24   Lines OK, with occasional breakage due to mortar fire. The CO decided to reorganise the unit by combining HQ & 3 Sqns under Comd of Major A.G. Goodman. Capt. R.S. Cathmoir to take over 'O' Tp, and Lt K.E. Haycock to take over duties of Adm & Welfare Officer.
DEURNE GEMERT 25   Moved first light to DEURNE. Lines provided to Bdes. Corps line arrived one hour before departure at 1800 hrs to area 1 mile South of GEMERT, Div HQ harbouring in the dark. No lines were laid on account of possibility of pockets of enemy in the area. Corps provided line on UG Route via GELDROP and BAKEL.
GEMERT ELSENDORP 26   Moved p.m. to ELSENDORP. Cable Dets and Sig Office sent on ahead any by the time Main HQ arrived lines were already working to Bdes and Rear Div, and very shortly afterwards to Corps. PW extensively used. All branches of the Staff were warned that such lines were not secure and a drill was instituted whereby exchange ops warned subscribers when using such lines.
ELSENDORP 27   Bde Sig Offrs and OC 'C' Tp explored all PW routes and exchanges to investigate possibility of local inhabitants comunicating with locations in enemy territory. All lines which might be of such use were cut.
28   Lines working well. Lt. JWR Hill posted to Gds Armd Div Signals. Second of two Line Cpls arrived, posted by 8 Corps. This completes est of NCOs in 'C' Tp. Shortage of these NCOs has proved a great handicap in recent operations.
29   7 U.S. Armd Div took over on right of Div Boundary. LOs with wireless were interchanged at respective HQs. Line comn via Corps. Appx 'D'
30   Direct line provided to 7 U.S. Armd Div who had moved to area ST. ANTHONIS, also lines to U.S. arty. All lines working well. 5 surplus ORs posted away. Deficiencies now only in Linemen, DRs and Ops. Shortage of DRs and Linemen proving very difficult and replacements do not appear to be forthcoming.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.
