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Army Form C.2118
Unit: No 127 Town Major
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Captain E.W. Bartley RA
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
NORMANDY FRANCE 4 1200 To 2nd Army Main H.Q. with Staff Capt A 2nd Army Tps received from D.A.A.G. 2nd Army verbal order to close Information Post No 2.
5   Handed Information Post notes to Military Police and moved unit with No 129 Town Major complete tot 103 Rft Grp. Move order confirmed in writing later.
15 1000 Received verbal, orders from D.A.A.G. 102 Rft Gp to report tot CREULLY for duty as Town Major, Authority H.Q. L of C A14 secret dated 14/8/44
16 1700 To H.Q. 11 L of C area confirmed appointment with D.A.A.G. Major Turner and A.A. & Q.M.G. Lt Col Cullen.
17 1030 To CREULLY made recce and informed maire and his secretary of property I required, neither raised and objections.
18 1700 To H.Q. 11 L of C area obtained promise of utility car and telephone to be installed.
19 1100 Moved unit complete tot 21 Place de Marché CREULLY
CREULLY FRANCE 19 1500 Made recce with O.C. 185 Spec Field Coy R.E. for bivouac area
19 1700 Met Lt Wilson Civil Affairs Officer CREULLY who stated that maires secretary was thought to be a German sympathizer and collaberator
20   Made recce for H.Q. 12 L of C area
21 1100 Obtained copy cadastral plan, CREULLY
22 1200 Lt Lathan U.S.A. Civil Affairs Officer attached CREULLY called. Obtained list of buildings occupied by Allies from deputy maires secretary.
22   Guided Brigadier and Senior Officers of H.Q. 12 L of C to building and area alloted to them.
23   O.C. 515 R.E. fld Survey Coy visited office for accommodation. Allotted space in town.
23   O.C. 42 Coy Pioneer Corps visited office for accommodation. Allotted space nearby.
23 1545 102 Beach Sub Area Commander visited office.
25 1000 To 102 B.S.A. D.A.A. & Q.M.G. extended my area to TIERCEVILLE & COLUMBIER-SUR-SUILLES, explaind to D.A.A. & Q.M.G. that is was essential to have some transport with the large area and was promised a car as soon as possible.
COURSEULLES FRANCE 26 0930 Attended Brigade Majors conference where policy with regard to treatment of damage buildings and hiring furniture were discussed.
30   Contact maires of TIERCEVILLE and COLUMBIER-SUR-SEULLES and established friendly relations
31 1500 To 11 L of C Staff Captain Q made urgent application for transport. Applied in writing for transport.

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Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Babs Vietje.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.