Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 2nd Bn The East Yorkshire Regt
Month and Year: July 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. N.J. Dickson
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
FIELD 1-6   The Bn rested and re-organised in MATHIEU. Baths, change of clothing and visits to 3 Div Club and Mobile Cinemas were organised. During the whole period, slight long range shelling was experienced but was obviously of a harrassing nature resulting in 1 Offr and 4 ORs being wounded.
7   O Gp called by Bde attended by Lt Col N.J. Dickson. Roll of the Bn to form a firm base in square wood West of CHATEAU DE LA LANDE and while 9 Bde on the left and 59 Div drove for CAEN.
8   Bn move by route march after Coys areas had been received by O.C. Coys. The area of square wood was under some attention by enemy shell fire. Dispositions of Coys right fwd D.Coy left fwd C.Coy right rear B.Coy left rear A.Coy. The whole area having been under intense arty fire since D.Day when 1 K.S.L.I. had pushed patrols out as far as this posn was devastated with dead cattle. In the afternoon the Bn was ordered to assist by fire 59 Div who were advancing on the LA-BIJUDE-EPRON axis. A & D Coys were ordered to work their way round through C Coy on the Bn’s left flank and assist by fire. Both Coys worked their way fwd through a Bn of the 59 Div who had suffered some heavy casualties earlier, until they could overlook EPRON. A & D Coys then sent patrols out into EPRON itself which still was held in a somewhat reduced str by tks and Inf. Some gallant and exciting close quarter fighting took place, in one case between Inf versus a Tk and some PWs (73) were taken. This position was obviously the last stand by the enemy before CAEN which was already threatened by a left hook by 9 Inf Bde. Cas for the day amounted to 1 OR killed and 8 ORs wounded.
9-12   Bn remained in its posn in and around Square wood. The battle for CAEN was being mounted and the stage was being set. Some interest was being taken by the Luftwaffe at this point and at one point 3 FW 190 flew low over the Bn posn obviously on a recce. During the period, cas only amounted to 1 OR wounded.
13-15   Bn moved back to MATHIEU and prepared itself for battle. Lt Col N.J. Dickson appt was confirmed as Comd. Offr. with effect 23 June 44 and Maj. J.D.W. Renison T.D. appt of 2i/c confirmed wef. 23 June 44. Bn Comd and recce party left on a recce to the East side of the RIVER ORNE to relieve 6 Airborne Div.
16   Bn embussed and moved to the East side of the RIVER ORNE. The movement took place in the evening in order to arrive by night and at a time when traffic over the few bridges was at a minimum. The Bn conc at LE MESNIL which comd a perfect view of one of the landing areas of the Gliders of the 6 Airborne Div. The area received some attention from shellfire but no casualties were received.
17   Bn ordered to attack TOUFFREVILLE at 0700 hrs on the 18 July. No detailed recce was possible as the approach to TOUFFREVILLE lay over a vast open stretch of plain between ESCOVILLE and TOUFFREVILLE. Air sp from It and hvy bombers was to precede the attack while immediate Tk Sp to the Bn was to be given by D Sqn 13/18 Hussars, plus the usual sp arms from Div resources. The Bn objective was part only of a big Div attack rt 8 Bde and left 9 Bde.
18   The start line which was a lateral road on the South of ESCOVILLE was under accurate Arty fire from the time that the Sp fire began. Some cas were received here in the leading coys B & C. These Coys ran into a strongly defended line of well concealed weapon pits but soon overcame the opposition who was somewhat demoralised by the pre air and Arty bombardmant. Further progress was impeded by A/P mines and A & D Coys were committed. The town which had suffered heavily from air attack was determinedly held by snipers well concealed in houses and in Tks. By 1800 hrs all opposition had been overcome and TOUFFREVILLE was taken. Much enemy eqpt was captured including 1 Pz Kw Mk IV undamaged. 6 12 cm mortars, 6 – 8 cm mortars. 2 German A/Tk Bazookas and 90 PWs. Cas to the Bn amounted to 1 Offr and 13 ORs killed. 3 Offrs wounded and 87 ORs wounded. 1 OR missing.
19   The Bn moved slightly left of TOUFFREVILLE to the brickworks, after first SUFFOLK having taken over the responsibility of the Bns commitments in TOUFFREVILLE. The new Bn area was adjacent to 51 (H) Div who were in the left and comd a view of BANNEVILLE. SANNEVILLE held by own tps and TROARN still held be the enemy. The Bn was disposed with rt fwd D Coy, left fwd B Coy, rt rear A Coy, lt rear C Coy with Bn H.Q. in the brickworks itself, the Comd post being in the kiln oven. The whole of the Bn area was under constant shell and Nebelwerfer fire from the enemy. Bn H.Q. and the neibouring Coys receiving the greatest amount of attention. Cas. 2 ORs killed 17 ORs wounded.
20-25   Bn held posn and patrols by B Coy fwd to known enemy posn at a house centred in a wood some thousand yds fwd of their posn which came to be known as PICCADILLY CIRCUS. The weather gradually deteriorated and became wet for long periods, which combined with the continuous shelling and mortaring made life dismal. Cas were fairly high and amounted to 6 ORs killed 1 Offr and 61 ORs wounded. The adverse weather conditions did not improve the road conditions and the road from Ech to the Bn was deep in mud. Food was transported to the Bn by carriers which solved the problem but never failed to arrive in spite of the mud and the road being frequently under shell fire. During this period 8 PWs surrendered themselves to our tps.
26   Bn was relieved by 2 Lincolns and moved back to ESCOVILLE for a short rest, baths and a change of laundry. The Div Comdr. Maj Gen L.G. Whistler D.S.O. paid the Bn a visit and congratulated the Bn on its achievements since he had taken over Comd. Cas 2 killed and 1 OR wounded.
27   Bn still at ESCOVILLE but a warning order to move on the 28 to relieve 1 Suffolk at BANNEVILLE. The night was disturbed by an air raid in rear of the Bn area which lasted for 45 minutes.
28   Bn relieved 1 Suffolk in the woods around the Chateau South of the rly line at BANNEVILLE. A & D Coys fwd, B & C in rear in all round defence. A number of rfts arrived mostly from the 7th Bn which was being broken up. Cas 3 ORs wounded.
29-30   Bn remained in posn until a warning received 30th that the Bn would proceed by march route West of R ORNE to BEUVILLE where it would conc having been relieved by 49 (W) Div.
31   Bn marched back acaross the R ORNE having been relieved through TOUFFREVILLE across the plain where it had fought a great battle on 18 July to ESCOVILLE and thence by the PEGASUS Br over the R ORNE to conc at BEUVILLE. Total Cas for the month Killed 1 Offr and 24 ORs, Wounded 5 Offrs and 182 ORs, Missing 3 ORs.

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Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.