Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 1/7th Bn The Queen's Royal Regt.
Month and Year: December 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. H.G. Veasey, DSO
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
NEEROETEREN 1 1030 The Comd of the 7 Armd Div Major General Lines visited the bn and spoke to all ranks about the manpower situation which was the reason behind the impending re-organisation. He bade farewell to the bn and wished God-speed to all who would shortly find themselves in new units.
1 1100 The adv party u/c Maj. W.G. Cockcraft left to recce a concentration area at POPERINGHE N.46.
2 1400 Lt. D. Wilkinson-Cox Q.R.R. and Lt. L.W. Maddox Q.R.R. with approx 50 ORs posted to 1/5th Bn Q.R.R. w.e.f. 1 Dec. Capt. K.J. Killick The Royal Berkshire Regt., 1 WO Cl.II and 3 Sgts posted to 7 Armd Div Battle school as instructors w.e.f. 1 Dec.
(MOBILE) 3 1500 The Bn moved from present area en route for new concentration area at POPERINGHE.
3   Route - OPOETEREN K 5476 - GRUITRODE K 4979 - MEEUWEN K 4580 – PEER K 4084 - BOURG LEOPOLD K 2783 - DIEST K 1269 - LOUVAIN J 8658.
3   The Bn leagured the night at the village of VELTHEM J 8161 only a short distance from LOUVAIN. Everyone had fairly comfortable quarters, and the drivers particularly were glad to get to sleep, after a very tiring night drive. The persistance of rain making the roads greasy, in conjunction with the glaring headlights of oncoming traffIc also made it rather dangerous, but fortunately there were no accidents.
3   Maj. D.A. Grant (MC) Q.R.R. and Capt A.K. Howard 'Sherwood Foresters' posted to this unit from the 1/5 Bn Q.R.R.
4 0900 The C.O. left in advance for new area.
4 0910 The Bn split up into Coy groups, proceeding at 10 min intervals, Ieft the leaguer area at VELTHEM J 8161 to complete before night the long journey to POPERINGHE. Route - BRUSSELS J 65 – ALOST J 4066 - OUDENARDE J 0957 - COURTRAI H 85 - MENIN H 75 - YPRES H 56 - POPERINGHE.
4 1630 The Bn arrived at POPERINGHE the new concentration area.
4 1700 The Bn was completely billeted in the town in private dwellings. The HQs Officers Mess was situated in the famous Skindles hotel well known during the last war. The evening was spent in settling in.
5   Reorganisation was carried out during the day. Orders for the disposal of all unwanted kit, handing in of all WD stores were issued. The drivers of all vehicles carried out thorough maintenance in readiness for the hand-over of them. Appx “A”
6   No actual work was executed by the troops who were just waiting for their postings. All vehicles and m/cs were driven to YPRES and handed over to new drivers.
7 1030 250 ORs proceeding to Northern Ireland for retraining as Infantry paraded in the main square prior to being conveyed by TCVs to YPRES railway station for the journey to OSTEND. The party was conducted by Capt D.B. Waterhouse. The C.O. waved a parting farewell to each truck as it moved out of the square. The adv party u/c Major E.G. Sandys with Lt. QM G.R. Frost for the Bn returning to England left POPERINGHE at the same time. Appx B
7   The following officers were posted to 1st Bn The Suffolk Regt:-
7   Capt. D.B. Waterhouse – (Beds & Herts Regt.)
7   Lieut. K.J. Harris – (Buffs)
7   Lieut. E.C. Read – (Q.R.R.)
7   Lieut. A.E. Lawrence – (R.C.A.S.C.)
7   Capt. P.W.P. Plunkett posted to this unit from the 1/5th Bn Q.R.R.
8 1000 An Adv Instructional Party of Officers and NCOs left POPERINGHE for England. Appx C
9   Maj. W.G.L. Cockcraft Q.R.R. relinquished his appt as 2 i/c Bn and was posted to the 101st Rft Gp w.e.f. 6 Dec 44. 2/Lt. F.G. Hayes and 2/Lt. J.R. Williams (Royal Norfolk Regt) posted to 1st Bn Royal Norfolks Regt. 2/Lt. C.D. Westoby (Royal Norfolk Regt) posted to K.S.L.I. Capt. H.L. Hodson (Beds & Herts) posted to X(iv) List att to 47 RHU. 9 ORs posted to 21 Army Group Defence PI.
10 0730 23 ORs transferred to 5 R. Berks Regt for garrison duties. The 2nd party which left POPERINGHE on 8th Dec embarked from OSTEND to ENGLAND.
10 1500 The following officers left POPERINGHE for the journey to England after being posted to X(iv) List att 44 RHU.
10   Capt. B.G. Meara - S.W.Bs
10   Capt. J.D. Cuthbertson – Beds & Herts
10   Capt. A.K. Howell - Sherwood Foresters
10   Capt. A. Reed - Duke of Wellingtons
10   Lieut. E.D.J. Martin - Q.R.R.
11   The Adv Instructional Party arrived at Folkestone harbour. They proceeded direct on leave from the transit camp. No parades other than essential duties were carried out by personnel remaining behind.
12-13   Main task was the cleaning of billets and preparation for the early move on the morning of the 14th.
14 0510 The main party of Bn returning to England marched to the station in FSMO. No time was wasted in standing about at the station and by 0600 hrs everybody was entrained. Appx D
14 0630 The journey to the port of OSTEND commenced and by 1100 hrs everybody had detrained there. The troops were compelled to wait on the platform for some considerable time owing to very thick fog delaying the boat.
14 1230 The party was conducted to the transit camp where a hot meal was provided.
14 1330 Party marched to the docks for embarkation which was completed by 1400 hrs.
14 1400 Left harbour and commenced the journey to SOUTHAMPTON. The sea was calm for the whole of the journey and a steady speed of 20 knots was maintained. After a comfortable journey, arrived off SPITHEAD in the early morning, and dropped anchor until daybreak owing to the anti-submarine boom being closed.
15 1030 Disembarked at SOUTHAMPTON and carried by TCVs to a large Transit Camp 5 miles outside the town. Everybody had a hot meal at the camp.
15 1550 The Bn carried by TCVs to EASTLEIGH station and entrained.
15 1650 Train commenced journey to final destination. Tea was served for the troops at LEICESTER station.
16   Arrived at APPERLEY BRIDGE station, YORKSHIRE and waiting TCVs conveyed the party to YEADON CAMP arriving there at 0430 hrs. The rest of the day was spent in settling in. Owing to the Bn being divided between two camps, one at YEADON and the other at FERCLIFFE CAMP at PUDSEY approx 5 miles away, some personnel who arrived at YEADON had to move subsequently to FERNCLIFFE.
16   Capt H.L. Hodson (Beds & Herts) posted to 47 RHU w.e.f. 8 Dec 44.
17-19   Reorganisation of the Camps as regards duties etc in preparation for the future draft of 720 R.A.S.C. personnel for training.
YEADON 20 1030 C.O. held conference dealing with general training to be carried out by new draft. Appx E, F, G
21   General training and organisation of the Bn.
22-23   Preparation of training programme for incoming draft.
24   The Commanding Officer, Lt.Col. W.D. Griffiths, DSO, MC, left the Bn for the purpose of attending a course at the Staff College CAMBERLY.
25-26   Very few troops in camp owing to leave. 'Stand easy' was the order of the day.
27   Further reorganisation.
28   Lt.Col. H.G. Veasey, DSO, assumed the appointment of Commanding Officer.
29   The following officers were posted to the unit w.e.f. 19 Dec 44
29   Lt. J.N. Poole - Royal Sussex
29   Lt. S. Goodwin - Buffs
29   Lt. S.R. Lusby - Beds & Herts
29   Lt. A. Cartwright - Warwicks
29   Lt. P.W. Shrubsall - Buffs
29   Lt. J.E. Jester - S. Staffs w.e.f. 20 Dec 44
29   Lt. R. Heggen - R.W.F. w.e.f. 20 Dec 44
29   Lt. J.P. Shepherd - R.W.F. w.e.f. 21 Dec 44
29   Lt. J.E. Ralfe - Middx Regt. w.e.f. 20 Dec 44
29   Lt. J.M. Webb (MC) - R.W.F. w.e.f. 20 Dec 44
29   Lt. J.G.M. Flegg - Middx Regt w.e.f. 23 Dec 44
29   Lt. M.T. George - Middx Regt w.e.f. 23 Dec 44
29   Capt. G. Phillips - L.I.R. w.e.f. 27 Dec 44
29   Lt. A.R. Nash - R.W.F. w.e.f. 29 Dec 44
29   16 ORs posted to this unit - 12 from 82 Searchlight Regt R.A., 2 from 187 H.A.A., 1 from H.L.I. I.T.C. Glasgow, 1 from 10 B.W.
30   Lt. T.M.S. Dyrer (Buffs) posted to the Bn.
30   24 ORs posted to the Bn - 16 from 13 I.D. GRAVESEND, 8 from different units (incl 1 WO.1 Sgt. and 6 Cpls), 1 P.T. QMSI posted to the Bn, 1 R.E.M.E. Sgt (Armourer) posted to the Bn.
31 1400 C.O. held a conference - Subject - Training and reorganisation. Lt. E.G. Sharp (R. Warks) posted to the Bn.

previous month

Source: Joris Nieuwint, The Battlefield Explorer, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.