Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 1/7th Bn The Queen's Royal Regt.
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. W.D. Griffiths, MC.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
M 610226 1 0830 Bn moved fwd. Order of march:- Carriers "C" "B" "HQ" "A" "D" Coys. Route:- "Bottle" x-rds 629287 – T junc 614300 – rd junc 639302 – rd junc 671341 – rd junc 673339 – rd junc 691351 – x-rds 730354 – SARCUS 775373 – X-rds 753415733467779472792503816497835525811533 - rd junc 857566899583876614.
M 876614 1 1600 Halted.
1 2100 C.Os 'O' Gp.- plan to cross SOMME via AMIENS and leaguer on North side prior to move North East.
1 2330 Left 876614. Order of March:- Carriers, "C" "B" Bn HQ "A" "D" Coys, route via MOLLIENS VIDAME 8958 br 0761 to 0664. Arrived 0200 hrs. 2 Sep and leaguered. Local protection only.
2 0800 "C" Coy u/c 8 Hussars moved North on Bde Centre Line.
M 0664 2 1030 Bn moved. VIGNACOURT N 0372 – CANAPLES N 0577 – 036819 – FIENVILLERS 0783 – HEM – DOULLENS 1587 – FREVENT.
2 1500 Bn stopped 1 km South of FREVENT on order from Bde. C.O. sent Carrier Pl fwd to FREVENT to clear small pocket of resistance endangering the route, this allowed the arty supporting the 8 Hussars to pass through. Carrier Pl captured 3 POW, total 80 PW surrendered in village to FFI and ORs. Column was further delayed by fallen masonry on rly br in FREVENT.
2 1700 Bn moved on.
H 1507 2 1730 Halted in wood. Bn formed firm base. Bn HQ at H 153068. "A" Coy H 156074 "B" Coy 153079 "C" Coy 158087 "D" Coy 149071 Carriers 147068. Secs from "C" Coy were with three tk. dets cutting the main rds leading into ST POL H 11 from East, West and N. West. "B" Coy provided standing patrols.
2 2030 2 NCO's from "C" Coy went fwd on recce. Two rifle shots were heard and their equipment has been found but the men are missing.
2 2145 2 x 88 mm and 1 x 170 shelled HUTIN LE SEC 1508. "C" Coy had one casualty.
3 0830 Sec of "C" Coy returning from patrol with tks to WAYRANS 1316 engaged 15 enemy X-rds 105128 PIERMONT, suffered 3 killed 2 wounded 3 captured, the latter were later rescued by tks.
3   Major DC Slemeck joined Bn from 2 Herts.
3   First light "C" Coy sent strong patrol to recce ST POL. Reported it still held by enemy.
3 1000 'O' Gp. for attack on ST POL. Plan; "A" Coy followed by "D" Coy to move round left flank via strips of wood running North at 1409 and line of rly from 145106 to centre of town. "A" Coy clear centre of town. "D" Coy to form up in the town as soon as clear and attack South astride rd ST POL – FREVENT to clear enemy dug in on reverse slope about 161110. "B" & "C" Coys in reserve, areas 160105 and 170080 respectively prepared to move North through ST POL to high ground at TROISVAUX 170140.
3 1300 "A" Coy began attack supported by arty.
3 1500 "A" Coy held up at 158118 by A/tk gunfire and Rifle fire from inf. It was very difficult to locate the enemy.
3 1630 "A" Coy still held up and ordered to disengage as the Bn had been given another task. 2 75 mm A.Tk guns were put out of action and 6 enemy killed.
3 1700 Bn moved back from its posns immediately South of ST POL.
3 1900 Concentrating preparatory to the move.
3 2030 Bn moved to new conc area. Route SP 141058 BUNEVILLE TERNAS 239091 TINQUES 335067 concentrated area CAPELLEFERMONT 3507.
4 0030 Report from Bde: FFI report enemy tks and inf moving South from BETHUNE in direction of BARLIN 3719. Coys warned.
4 0530 C.O. attended Brigs Conference.
4 1230 Bn moved. SERVINS 1814 – AIX 4316GRENAY 4517.
4 1515 Arrived GRENAY 4517.
4 1730 Left GRENAY 4517 – MOZINGARBE 4620 – VERMELLES 4722ANNEQUIN 4524CAMBRIN 4624.
4 1900 Arrived CANBRIN. Concentrated with rd stops in area 4624. Prepared to go to assistance of 1/5th Queen’s North of LA BASSEE Canal. FFI interpreter reported 12 FFI in hands of enemy immediately South of LA BASSEE. 2 Secs of Carriers ordered to go to their assistance. After 2 hrs recce Sec returned with NTR.
5 1300 'O' Gp. Bn ordered to move to area SE GHENT in order to reinforce a br head est across the R. ESCAUT by 5 DG.
5 1400 Bn moved. Route:- VERMELLES H 4621CARVIN H 6121SECLIN H 6627 – HEM H 7837PECQ H 8940 – X-rds H 8945 – ESPIERRES H 9144 – AVELGHEM H 9750AUDENARDE J 0957. Until about 1900 hrs move was slow due to congestion of traffic on the rd.
H 827387 5 2030 Bn crossed frontier between FRANCE and BELGIUM. The move from PECQ to AUDENARDE where Bn halted was carried out in the dark. Fairly continuous series of bright flashes were seen to the North and North West of route.
6 0230 Bn halted AUDENARDE awaiting further orders. Head of coln at rd junc J 100570.
6 0300 Cone of Bn in town square completed by Major WGL Cockcraft. At this time the C.O. was further fwd at Div HQ.
6 0630 'O' Gp. Bn to proceed to GHENT J 18 by direct route. Carrier Pl leading followed by "D" Coy
6 0730 Bn moved off.
6 0800 Carriers bumped enemy in EYNE J 1060. It appeared that there was a party of inf with Spandaus plus 2 Armd cars and 75 mm gun in the area. They were vigorously engaged by 2 pls of "D" Coy who advanced through the village on the right and left of the Axis. The wood at 109599 was mortared by 3” Mortars. There was no immediate arty support at this time. The C.O. decided to turn the Bn round and take it though AUDENARDE and endeavour to reach GHENT following the Div Axis via OOSTRZEELE 2468.
6   Further reports were continuously received of enemy being located at OYCKE 0560. HUYSSE 0863. Elsewhere in small parties to N.W. of Div Axis.
6 0900 Bn ordered to remain AUDENARDE pending disengagement of "D" Coy and Carriers from EYNE 1060. 6 RHA passed through Bn on Div Axis.
6 1100 Sec of "B" Coy patrolIed area of hospital as far as rly line 091573 to drive out enemy who were sniping the hospital. They reported area clear.
6   C.O. issued orders for the defence of AUDENARDE. Coy locations. "A" Coy astride rd about 077579. "B" Coy rly and rd junc 092563. "C" Coy 097575 with elts covering br 099570 and with field guns at 104577. "D" Coy astride rds 090588 and 084587.
6   Bn HQ moved from town square at 093574 to 093577. Weather cold SW wind, much rain during evening and night.
6 1300 "C" arrived EYNE J 1060. Task, to stop infiltration and occupy the village. When they arrived they found an armistice between 50 Div recce and the Germans (10 Pz Div) so that wounded could be moved out. Very Iittle progress seemed to be made so O.C. "C" Coy gave the Germans until 1400 hrs to surrender or he would shell the village. As nothing had developed, at 1400 hrs the X-rds immdy N of the village was shelled with 500 shells.
6 1600 White flag displayed again by the enemy, they wanted to move wounded but O.C. "C" Coy gave orders that they were to come out with their wounded and that an armistice would not be granted.
6 1700 FFI reported EYNE clear except for large number of wounded approx 40 stretcher cases.
6 1800 REs blew br in EYNE.
7 1100 'O' Gp. Bn to be responsible for the defence of X-rds at 114670 and br over R ESCAUT 134668.
7 1300 Bn relieved of defence of AUDENARDE by 2 Glasgow Highlanders.
7 1400 Bn moved to GAVERRE J 1366. Route:- LAETHEM ST MARIE J 1662 – BEIRLEGEN J 1763 – GAVERRE. The Bn took over from one Coy of the 1/6 Queen's.
7   Coys Locations: "A" Coy 1 P1 X-rds 114670, Coy less 1 Pl about rly and rd crossing 122668, "B" Coy (1 Pl only) 140658, "C" Coy about X-rds 154669, "D" Coy astride rd 136668, Bn HQ 137667.
7 1700 Bn settled in in new area. NTR.
7 2300 One Coy 1/6 Queen’s located immediately S of River 1569 placed temporarily under Comd 1/7 Queen's and came on to Bn wireless net. Weather earlier in day had been very cold and wet but improved in the evening. NTR. Carrier Pl sent standing patrols out in the day to 152648, 150627 and 135696 and a patrol of one sec went NW along rd GAVERRE - DEYNZE 1473. They reported DEYNZE clear of enemy but all the brs in the town were partially blown.
8 1600 Bn warned to move to TERMONDE to come u/c 4 Armd Bde on reaching TERMONDE J 4576 preparatory to an attack Northwards to ST NICHOLAS J 3884. Recce parties u/c Major WGL Cockcraft left immediately afterwards to proceed to TERMONDE. Owing to the very late arrival of the 9 Cameronians who had been ordered to relieve the Bn at GAVERRE the Bn was subsequently ordered to remain in the area of GAVERRE prepared to move at first light on the following day.
8 2130 Bn less Command vehicle established at 153655.
8 2300 -0100. Relieved by 9 Cameronians. Bn conc in area of DICKLEVENE 1565.
9 0615 Bn commenced move to TERMONDE. Route: rd junc 167644 OOSTERZEELE 2468 – X-rds 270722 – ALOST 4066.
9 0900 Bn halted on main rd 4275.
9 1000 'O' Gp. Orders issued for an attack on ST NICOLAS. 44 R Tks were to clear the CL as far as rd from rd junc 507897 to X-rds 477895. The Bn then to advance North and debuss in area rd junc 488755 and will then advance and clear the town. However 44 Tks were able to push 1 Sqn into town and reported it clear of enemy, the attack of Bn was therefore not carried out.
9 1100 Bn moved off from 4275 and moved fwd to ST NICOLAS "A" Coy leading.
9 1200 The town went mad with joy and hampered the movement of the Coys to the posns which were necessary to the defence of the town.
9 1400 The C.O. had lunch with the Burgomaster. Coy posns: "A" Coy 500904. "B" Coy 488912, "C" Coy 500918, "D" Coy 485924, Bn HQ 489913.
9 1430 C.O. called to Bde. Bn ordered to conc in square.
9 1500 Message from 44 Tks that enemy inf and tks advancing on town from N and NNE and they were unable to contain them. Coys were ordered back to their posns. "D" Coy found the enemy in occupation of their old posns and after a short battle drove them out. The night passed quietly.
10   Carrier patrols were active but did not contact enemy.
10 1400 C.O. went to Bde 'O' Gp. Bn relieved by 1 RB. 2 i/c held 'O' Gp. Bn ordered to proceed to MELSELE 5897 and make a night attack on CALLOO 5800.
10 1600 Bn conc at MELSELE 5897.
10 1730 C.Os. 'O' Gp. 582982. Plan for night attack on CALLOO under arty barrage. During the 'O' Gp a body of FBIs attempted to attack CALLOO and were badly mauled by automatic fire and a 20 mm gun. Bn HQ at 583980.
10 2000 Night attack on CALLO cancelled by Bde.
10 2100 'O' Gp.
10 2200 Assault Pioneers patrolled along rd to within 200 yards CALL00 until they contacted an enemy outpost.
11 0100 Assault Pioneers patrol returned and "D" Coy patrol left on same task, bumped enemy outpost approx 200x from village.
11 0500 Patrol returned.
11 1200 C.O. went to Bde 'O' Gp. Bn ordered to BEVEREN WAES to defend town.
11 1330 C.O. holds 'O' Gp.
11 1400 Bn moves to BEVEREN WAES. "A" Coy location 560957. "B" Coy in res 588968. "C" Coy 567966, task to defend main rds. "D" Coy 586974. Bn HQ 572967. Carrier patrols by day at T junc 547983, this task was taken over by "C" Coy at night, the other carrier patrol during the day at 551973 taken over by "A" Coy at night. "A" Coy patrol at X-rds 554963 "C" Coy patrol at X-rds 566983 [21?] (1 Sec. strong) 2 Secs area 575977. 1 pl fwd by night. There were various reports by the FBI of the movement of enemy inf and tks to the East and North.
12 1430 'O' Gp.
12 1815 Bn relieved by 1 Coy inf and 1 Sqn tks from the Polish Armd Div. Bn moved to area South of TERMONDE. Route: SP 578940 – HAESDONCK 5992 – T junc 4887 – HAMME 4883TERMONDE 4576. The Bn rested the night with Bn HQ at 464737.
13 1000 Bn moves off. Route: SP 454756 rd and rly crossing – TERMONDE 456766508760 – X-rds 620789 – rd junc 640821 – X-rds 701838MALINES 718749 – PASBRUQ 740756 – East along main rd. Bn HQ 767758. "A" Coy PEULIS 795755 - "B" Coy 776778 - "C" Coy 760773 - "D" Coy 772768 - A.2 Ech 772758 - Carriers 774757 - Mortars 776757 - A/tk 777756.
13 1400 C.O. attended Bde Conference.
13 1730 All officers attended Bde conference. Bde Comd outlined possibilities for the future. Officer to consider the problem of fighting in areas with a hostile population and the conduct of soldiers in such areas. The Bde was likely to be resting for three or four days during which extensive maintenance would be carried out.
14   Organised parties allowed out to BRUSSELS. Officers aIliowed 24 hr passes to the same area.
15 1730 C.O. and Adjt attended Div Comds conference.
16   Lt. H.A. Baker MM returned from hospital and rejoined "A" Coy.
17 1200 C.O. held 'O' Gp to issue orders concerning the "tightening up" of discipline and turn out of Bn during the rest period. Appx “A”
17 1900 C.O. went to Bde Comds conference.
17 2000 C.Os 'O' Gp. 131 Bde to cover left flank of 12 Corps, between HERENTHALS 9790 and GHEEL 0888. Order of March - Carriers - "C" Coy - "B" Coy - "D" Coy - Bn HQ - "A" Coy. Route Bn SP X-rds 768757. Bde SP X-rds PUTTE 824797 - MOISSCHOT 9276 - X-rds 046813 - HET PUNT 844857.
18 0530 C.O. left with 'O' Gp.
18 0630 Bn due to leave but TCV's delayed.
18 1200 C.O. attended Bde Comds conference.
18 1230 Bn crossed SP 768757.
18 1300 C.Os. 'O' Gp. 046855. C.O. allotted posns.
18 1600 Bn HQ arrives BOEKEL 019892. Bn Layout - "A" Coy 019000. "B" Coy 012905. "C" Coy 022911. "D" 020890. Bn HQ 019892. Bn relieved one Coy from Seaforths and one from Cameronians. The enemy could be clearly seen digging and working from the OP in "C" Coy area, Church 022911. During the afternoon and evening there was some enemy sniping in "C" Coy area. "C" Coy replied with 2" Mortar fire. "A" Coy patrolled to Bridge 904917 NTR. There were Standing Patrols in fwd Coy area.
18 2000 (approx) Enemy small arms fire from area 0191. During the night enemy digging was heard in area 013915. DF fire was brought down in the area.
18 2330 Contact made with 1/5 Queen's. Visibility in the afternoon was approx 1,500 yds.
18 1800 Visibility 1,000 yds. There was a heavy mist during the night.
19 0630 "A" Coy took over "B" Coy posns in the factory area 007907. "B" Coy went to 017900 and by careful recce, found posns inside the factory actually looking down on the enemy posns just the other side of the canal. The riflemen proceeded to dominate the area.
19 0815 Our snipers shot two of the enemy.
19   During the morning considerable enemy inf activity was reported North of the canal. "A" Coy engaged with SA fire and dominated the area. There was ocassional enemy mortar fire upon our fwd posns.
19 1130 Enemy reported displaying Red Cross and in some confusion.
19 1245 Area 020919, 022919 three enemy parties food. They were shot up.
19 1640 Houses area 021914 set on fire by incendiary bullets, enemy and civs evacuated the house. They received casualties from our mortar fire.
19 1900 Considerable enemy sniping of our fwd posns. 3 or 4 Flak towers area 016914 have enemy dug in underneath them. Enemy casualties estimated at 23 killed 8 probables and a considerable number of wounded. Heavy morning mist began to clear after mid-day.
19 1500 Visibility approx 1000 yds.
19 1600 Visibility became poor and the night was very misty. Our Snipers bag - 16 killed 8 probables.
20   Very little enemy activity during the night. There was enemy movement from time to time on the North side of the canal. There was less enemy movement during the day than on the previous one owing to continued harassing from our SA fire.
20 1630 A party of enemy with Red Cross flag went out to pick up wounded.
20 1700 )
20 1730 ) Slight enemy shelling of BOEKEL 0189.
20 1900 Shelling again from same source, believed to be 105 mm. The enemy continued to snipe at intervals throughout the day. None of the enemy movement was very aggressive. Two 24 hrs patrols of the Carrier Pl were at 030909 and 032894. Mist again during the night and morning cleared to about 1000 x between 1500 and 1700 hrs, but became worse at dusk. Our snipers bag 9 killed 4 possibles.
21   Slightly more enemy activity than on the 20th, chiefly sniping of our posns in area of br 021914 and factory 0190 and 0090, which was answered by counter sniping from our own snipers. Considerable enemy movement in wood 004913. The enemy were occupying posns to the left 035911.
21 1330 Enemy shelling with SP guns area 015904. The SPs were engaged by arty in the general area 980920.
21 1715 Bn area shelled at intervals.
21 1800 A direct hit was scored on a water tower 003911. Very little happened from dusk onwards. Some enemy MG fire reported by "A" Coy’s left fwd pl. The last light SITREP was NTR. A patol from "D" reported enemy digging in area 994908. Visibility improvd during the afternoon up to approx 2,000 x but at 1800 hrs the mist came down again and the night was very misty. Our snipers bag 16 killed 4 possibles.
22   Very little enemy movement throughout the night.
22 0100 )
22 0200 ) Slight enemy movement in area Flak tower 016914 and on track 007914.
22 1100 Visibility improved and enemy activity increased, this was dealt with by small arms and supporting weapons.
22 1130 Arty shoot conducted by "A" Coy. The target, a house at 003917 received a direct hit and the enemy was shaken up.
22 1230 "D" Coy moved to new posn at 044908.
22 1025 - 1510 – 1630 hrs intermittent shelling of Bn area.
22 1645 Civs reported enemy had withdrawn from the canal to wood 017933.
22 2215 - 2300 – 2345 hrs. Explosions on North side the canal were reported. A patrol from "B" Coy reported enemy MT and HD tpt apparently moving North.
22 2100 C.Os. ‘O’ Gp. Bn to be relieved by 7 Duke of Wellingtons, the 1/7th Queen’s were to take over a section of the canal to the right of our present posns, as far East as and inclusive of canal crossing 0792. Our snipers bag 5 killed 3 possibles.
23   Demolitions were again heard North of the canal in the early hours of the morning.
23 0730 Guides were ready for the 7 Duke of Wellingtons.
23 0830 Their tps arrived and took over our posns.
23 0930 The move of 1/7 Queen's was completed. The Coys moved independantly to the new area, their locations were:- "A" Coy 077910, "B" Coy 043912, "C" Coy covering br 075928, "D" Coy 060918 Bn HQ 077902. Cavs reported North bank of canal clear of enemy as far North as CASTERLE 0696.
23 1400 C.O. to Bde Conference. Div to conc SE of EINDHOVEN. 131 Bde probably in area BROEKHOVEN E 3609.
23 1600 C.Os ‘O’ Gp/ Bn to move next morning.
24 0530 Recce party left.
24 0745 Carriers passed SP GHEEL X-rds 080885. Order of March: Carriers - "D" Coy - "B" Coy – Bn HQ - "A" and "C" Coys. Route: GHEEL K0888 – MOLL K1790 – LOMEL 3195 – WESTERHOVEN E3706 – STEENSEL E3417.
24 1120 Crossed frontier between BELGIUM and HOLLAND at K 312989.
24 1200 Bn conc area HEERS E 3713, Bn HQ 373132.
24 2330 'O' Gp. Infm received that enemy had cut the CL at two points between the canal crossing at E 472368 and ST OEDENRODE 4232.
24   Task. 131 Bde to reopen CL and contact tps from Guards Armd Div. which were being sent South from NIJMEGEN and to protect the Corps CL on the West side between the canal crossing and ST OEDENRODE. "C" Coy u/c 1 Sqn 8 Hussars to move at 0630 hrs NE of ST OEDENRODE. Remainder of Bn to follow up and if possible to establish itself on the line of the rly about 442370.
25 0630 "C" left with 8 Hussars.
25 0830 Bn left HEES 3713. Order of March: 1 Sec Carriers. ‘O’ Gp. Remainder of Carriers. "D" Coy. "A" Coy. Bn HQ. "B" Coy. Route: rd junc E 373141 – GESTEL 4216 – EINDHOVEN E 4218ST OEDENRODE 4232.
25 1030 1 Sec Carriers patrolled from rd and tr junc 437328 to tr junc 468327. When they reached 462337 an outpost of DLI was contacted. The patrol continued on to tr junc 467348 - X-tks 461346. At this point the patrol dismounted as they were coming under indirect MG fire from area 455348. It was then ordered to contact 506 US Paratroop Bn who were attacking on the right.
25 1145 Bn arrived at ST OEDENRODE. Bn HQ at 430322. The rest of the Bn moved further forward along the rd to VEGHEL E 4737 and Coys concentrated on right of the rd area 434324.
25 1200 Tac HQ moved fwd to 433325. CO issued orders from Tac HQ. At this stage the situation was very confused as there were small pockets of enemy and American airborne tps scattered in the area between ST OEDENRODE and VEGHEL and it was difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.
25 1230 Contact made with Bn of American airborne tps supported by a Sqn of 44 RTR. The patrol remained in a posn of observation and contact with the Americans while it cleared wood E and W od X-tks 461346.
25 1930 Patrol was ordered to withdraw. "C" Coy were to have followed this Carrier Patrol and put in an attack on the wood 4534 from the East. This did not materialise as the Americans were putting in an attack.
25 2000 Bn advanced to limited objectives. Last light locations – "A" Coy about X-tks 444353. "D" Coy about X-tks 441350. "B" Coy about tk junc 445345. "C" Coy about rd tr junc 4454438. Bn HQ at 445340 less non essential vehicles which remained u/c Signal Officer at 430322. ‘I’ Sgt. sent as Liaison Officer to HQ 502 American Airborne Regt at 446343.
26 0100 A sec of "D" Coy shot up two half-track vehicles. It was subsequently discovered that they contained wounded American and Germans. Approx 15-20 enemy PW and two Americans brought to RAP in an enemy half track vehicle by CSM Edwards of "D" Coy. CSM Edwards returned to his Coy to bring in remainder of PW wounded and on his way back to the RAP he disappeared. It is not known whether he was captured or killed.
26 0930 "C" Coy reported Corps CL mined at 453347 and snipers in woods on both sides of the rd at this point. Otherwise rd fairly clear.
26 0930 "D" Coy started to advance on Axis X-tks 441350 to rly at 423369. "A" Coy remained temporarily in their overnight posns until the Americans started an advance North on the right of "A" Coy.
26 1030 "A" Coy advanced along Axis X-tks 441350 to rly at 423369.
26 1055 "A" Coy report at least 1 Coy of Americans moving up their axis. CO ordered "A" Coy to change direction to NW and maintain contact with the Americans on right and "D" Coy on left. Axis of Advance to pass through tk junc 439361 to tk junc 433368.
26 1100 Report from section of 621 Fd Sqn RE that they had met sappers working from NE to SW along Corps CL. The rd was expected to be clear of mines by 1300 hrs and of "brewed up" vehicles by approx 1400 hrs.
26 1115 "D" Coy reached X-tks 438353 and report 2 enemy MGs firing from area of tk running NE to SW through X-tks 435356. One of these MG posts was soon knocked out. The ground to the NW astride "D" Coy axis of advance was very open and movement across it brought down enemy arty and MG fire.
26 1220 16 Pl led by Lt. RD Cleare continued to advance along the line of the watercourse from 437353 NW to 433355 while another pl moved round to the left flank on the tk at 433348 where there was more cover. They continued to advance NW from this point as far as 428356. At the point where the watercourse crosses the tk running NE to SW at 433355. Lt. Cleare’s pl was shot up by enemy MG fire. Two sections were pinned down NW of the tk and were unable to withdraw as the culvert at the point where the tk crosses the stream was broken down by tanks of the 8 Hussars which moved NW to engage the enemy. In trying to gain assistance for the two secs Lt. Cleare was killed by a burst of MG fire. The two secs eventually got back by burrowing through the culvert. 1 Officer and 6 men were killed in this action. 1 Offr, Lt. JA Howe (Beds & Herts) wounded, also of "D" Coy.
26 1400 CL was open to double line traffic.
26 1500 Pls of "A" Coy were in approx posns 438362, 438361, 439362.
26   "D" Coy pulled back SE during the afternoon and reorganised in area 438348.
26 1600 "C" Coy ordered to move North to cover area between rly and rd crossing at 442369 and 443365 and to contact the American forces on their right flank and "A" Coy on their left.
26 1900 (approx) "D" Coy advanced NW.
26 2020 "D" had pushed one pl as far as 433354 with the remaining 2 pls approx 500x in rear between 437353 and 435351. Last light locations, "A" Coy about 438362, "B" Coy about 444353, "C" Coy from 442365 to 442370 and keeping contact with the right flank of "A" Coy. During the day 10 PW were taken. Five American and 1 British soldier were released from enemy hands.
26   Two full tracked vehs, 2 BMWs and 2 enemy MCs were accounted for.
27 0905 1 Sec "A" Coy area 438361.
27 1050 1 Sec "D" Coy at 434355.
27 1150 Patrols sent out by "C" Coy to 436366 and 438368 returned with NTR.
27 1600 2 Pls "D" Coy 435356 and 432353.
27 1800 Report received from 131 Bde HQ that enemy inf, strength unknown, were moving SE in area 4348 presumably in a counter attack against the American Sector.
27 1825 "C" Coy report counter attack coming in against the Americans on their immediate right.
27 1850 "C" report situation quiet, enemy appear to be withdrawing. The CO arranged a harassing shoot by arty to follow up the retreating enemy. This shoot was successful.
28 0020 Report from patrol sent out by "A" Coy. Area at 433365 clear of enemy but enemy fire coming from tk 431366.
28 1000 (onwards) Sporadic shelling of the rd at 447340 by airburst shells from enemy SP gun. Several of the shells burst over Bn HQ. Pte. Matthews Assault Pioneer Pl was killed by a shell splinter during one of the periods of shelling. By sound bearings the enemy gun was plotted as being roughly in the area 424366. However it remained unlocated throughout the day and continued shelling at approx hourly intervals in spite of counter bty fire. During the day there was some shelling of the rd between 457350 and 443336 by 10.5 cm guns. No damage to vehs.
28 1315 Notification that the Bn was to be relieved later in the day by 1st Bn E Lancs. Coy guides were sent for.
28 1740 'O' Gp. When the Bn is relieved it will go into reserve and have the role of counter-attack. Bn in the area held by 158 Bde. For this purpose 1/7 Queen's were to be u/c 8 Hussars.
28 1800 Relief started.
28 2115 Completed. Bn were conc in area EVERSE. Locations, "A" Coy 444332, "B" Coy 442333, "C" Coy 438328, "D" Coy 442327, Bn.HQ 441328.
29 0930 Arrival of Mobile Bath Unit. The whole of the Bn bathed during the morning.
29 1515 'O' Gp. Bn u/c 8 Hussars for counter-attack role in 158 Bde Sector. For this purpose 3 battle groups were formed.
29   Battle posns were:-
29   Left. "B" Sqn 8 Hussars & "A" Coy area 4232
29   Right. "C" Sqn 8 Hussars & "C" Coy area 4536
29   Centre. "A" Sqn 8 Hussars & "D" Coy area 4334
29   "C" Coy moved to area House 462358 with "C" Sqn 8 Hussars. The other Coys remained in their old posns.
29   Codewords to implement the plan were as follows:-
29   Cart – Stand by Tanks
29   Dog – Stand to Left sector.
29   Cat – Stand to Centre sector.
29   Pig – Stand to Right sector.
29 1700 )
29 1900 ) Stand to of Coys and Sigs.
30 0545 )
30 0630 ) Stand to of Coys and Sigs.
30 1700 )
30 1900 ) Stand to of Coys and Sigs.
30 1815 C.O's 'O' Gp. Bn to move to area LOOSBROEK 4545 when relieved by 1/5 Queen's at 1000 hrs on the 1st Oct.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. For historical research, always check the originals.