Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 4 Tk Gren Gds
Month and Year: February 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt.Col. H.R.H. Davies
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
WELBECK 1 1500 Sqns carried out Tkc/Inf co-operation with 1/Black Watch today. No. 2 Sqn went firing at TOTLEY Ranges. Personnel attended a lecture in NOTTINGHAM.
2 1500 Sqns carried out Tk/Inf co-operation with 1/Black Watch again today. Personnel attended the lecture in NOTTINGHAM.
3 1500 Sqns again carried out Tk/lnf co-operation with 1/Black Watch. There was a trade test for Driver Mechs at CATTERICK.
4 1500 Bn took part in an exercise with the 1/Black Watch today. Trade test for Gunners was held at the TDS ECKINGTON. No. 1 Sqn carried out firing on PLAIN PIECE Range. The Commanding Officer held a conference today.
5 1500 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders for interior economy.
6 1230 All Church services today were voluntary.
7 1500 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders. A Bn Gunnery Instructors course assembled today under Major I.J. Crosthwaite. HQ Sqn fired on TOTLEY Ranges. The Major-General Commanding Bde of Guards visited the Bn today.
8 1500 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders. No. 1 Sqn carried out firing at TOTLEY Ranges and also had a drill parade under the Adjutant. A wireless trade test was held today.
9 1530 No. 3 Sqn moved to SAND HUTTON today by tpt for a visit by General Sir Bernard Montgomery, KCB., DSO. Otherwise Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders for normal trg and maintenance.
10 1500 No. 3 Sqn held a drill parade today. Other Sqns, normal trg and maintenance. All offrs attended a lecture by Lt.Gen. Roberts DSO., MC. on the North African campaign from the tanks point of view.
11 1500 No. 2 Sqn attended a drill parade today. Also HQ Sqn.
12 1500 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders for interior economy.
13 1230 Bn paraded for church today.
14 1500 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders. The Bn attended a performance of instructional films in the Mess Room during the afternoon.
15 1500 No. 2 Sqn fired on TOTLEY Ranges today. Otherwise normal trg and maintenance. Offrs attended a lecture on military law in Nottingham. The War Office Selection Board visited the Bn again to finish the testing and grading of the Bn. There was a fitters upgrading trade test under the E.M.E.
16 1530 Bn paraded for drill under the Adjutant. Bn wore respirators for half-an-hour today. No. 3 Sqn carried out wading at THORESBY.
17 1500 No. 1 Sqn fired at TOTLEY Ranges. Normal Sqn trg and maintenance.
18 1500 No. 2 Sqn carried out wading at THORESBY. The Commanding Officer held a conference.
19 1500 The Commanding Officer inspected billets this morning. Lt. P.A. Hudson is posted to HQ Sqn 6 Gds Tk Bde to date 10 Feb 44.
20 1500 The Bn paraded for church today.
21 1500 No. 3 Sqn fired on TOTLEY Ranges today. Sqns at disposal of Sqn Leaders. Lts. R.H. Monteith and J.N.R. Hearn umpired on Ex. Eagle.
22 1500 No. 1 Sqn fired at MIDHOPE Range. Other Sqns normal trg and maintenance. WS/Lt. A.G. Heywood is regranted temporary rank of Captain to date 16 Dec 43.
23 1500 No. 2 Sqn fired at MIDHOPE today. Sqns at disposal of Sqn Leaders. Respirators were worn.
24 1530 Tanks as detailed proceeded to WARCOP. HQ Sqn fired at MIDHOPE. Instructional films were shown to personnel as detailed. Normal trg and maintenance parades.
25 1500 No. 3 Sqn fired at TOTLEY Ranges today. No. 2 Sqn carried out wading at THORESBY. There was a wireless trade test today.
25   The Major-General Commanding Bde of Guards visited the Bn today. Intense wireless activity today.
26 1500 Sqns at disposal of Sqn Leaders for interior economy. Intense wireless activity. The Commanding Officer held a conference today.
27 1530 Sqns at the disposal of Sqn Leaders for trg and maintenance.
28 1500 Normal Sqn parades and training.
29 1500 Sqns at disposal of Sqn Leaders today.

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Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.