Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: HQ 32 Gde Bde
Month and Year: October 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer:
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
NIJMEGEN 2 0900 Bde ordered to relieve 5 Bde on the island North of R. WAAL. Gren Gp remain in area GRAVE and come under comd 5 Bde. W.G. Gp remain in posn on island and come under 32 Bde. Coldm Gp take over posns from I.G. Gp.
KROKADELLA 2 1500 Bde comes under comd 50 Div and establishes HQ at 691669.
4   Bde supports 231 Bde attack on BEMMEL.
6   Relieved by 160 Bde of 53 Div.
DEN VALENDRIE 7 0700 Come into Corps res with HQ at 633570.
HATERT-MALDEN 11   Bde concentrates East of MAAS – WAAL canal as a counter-attack res in sp of 43 and 82 U.S. Airborne Divs. Bde HQ established at 689570.
GRAVE Brks 12 1100 All Offrs, W.O.'s and Sgts of Bde attend lecture on past and current ops by 30 Corps.
HEERLEN 15-17   Bde Major and I.O. visit U.S XIX Corps with Bn I.O.’s to see sector pf American break-through of Siegfried Line North of AACHEN.
HATERT 17   Prince John of Luxembourg rejoins Bde HQ.
28   Lieut. C.O. Cumming relinquishes appointment as L.O. for 3 I.G. on being invalided home.
29   Major-General Bde of Gds, accompanied by Div Comd, Bde Major Bde of Gds, and GSO I, lunched at Bde HQ.
30   Bde receives a new operational role to come to sp 2 HCR if attacked on sector of R. MAAS they are watching between CUYK and BOXMEER.
30   Coldm Gp put at 2 hrs notice for this purpose, remainder of Bde at 6 hrs notice.
30   Lieut. O. Wrightson succeeded by Lieut. R.G. Style as L.O. for 5 Coldm Gds on returning to duty.

previous month

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.