Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 15th/19th Hussars
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.D. Taylor, MC.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
16   A fine Sept day. Regt still in same posn supporting 231 Bde in the br hd. Still some shelling and a certain amount of activity all around but not determined counter attack developed during the day. The br hd was strengthened by 9th Bn DLI who came in on the S.E. corner of the br hd thus allowing the Dorsets to move further North and make stronger link with the Devons in the North. C.O. attended a talk by the Corps Commander - Lt-Gen BG Horrecks CB., DSO, MC and the Commander 2nd Army Lt-Gen Sir Miles Dempsey KCB, DSO, MC at BOURG LEOPOLD 2683. On this the Corps Comd spoke of the adv during the past fortnight, the present situation and the operation Market Garden which was due to begin the following day. This operation was to be an adv by 30 Corps from the br hd up to the Zuider Zee to dominate the country West of this, thereby cutting off communication between Germany and the Low Countries and thus it was hoped trapping what German forces were left in France and the Low Countries, and also cutting off V.2. bases in this area. 30 Corps was to adv on one centre line through EINDHOVEN 4218 - ST OEDENRODE 4232 - GRAVE 6153 - NIJMEGEN 7062 - ARNHEM 7477 - APELDOORN 7803 - EEP 8018 - NUNSPEET 6621 with 8 Corps (11 Armd Div, 3rd Inf Div) protecting their right and rear and 12 Corps (7Armd Div, 4 Armd Bde, 15 (S) Div and 53(W) Div) operating on their left flank. A large part was also being played in this operation by Airborne Forces, 1st British Airborne Div with the Polish Para Bde was to capture intact the bridges over the Nederrijn at ARNHEM and dominate the surrounding countryside. 82 US Airborne Div was to capture intact the bridges over the Maas en Waal in areas GRAVE en NIJMEGEN and to dominate the surrounding country.101 US Airborne Div was to be dropped in the area between EINDHOVEN en GRAVE with the task of facilitating the adv of 30 Corps as far as the R. Maas. The Corps Comd expressed the opinion that if this operation was as successfull as he hoped he thought that it might be the decisive battle of the war and finally finish the German Army. The Regt's task in this operation was as follows:- with under comd 'A' Sqn The Royals (Maj J Bowlby), 1 Bty 86 Fd Regt RA (Herts Yeo) to adv behind the leading Bde of Gds Armd Div to the EINDHOVEN - ST OEDENRODE area and there come under comd 101 US Airborne Div whose task it was to keep open the Corps Axis of advance between VALKENSWAARD 4108 and VEGHEL 4737 and to prevent the enemy interference on this axis from either flank.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Mia Litjens.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.