Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 15th/19th Hussars
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.D. Taylor, MC.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
Belgium 14   Lt. Bryce's tk was penetrated by a bazooka and he and his operator no. 321917 Tpr Walker R were unfortunately killed, and no. 317625 Tpr Ashley R another member of his crew was wounded. Lt. WRMcM Winkley who had taken over comd of 2nd Tp 'A' Sqn the previous day from Capt P Hodgson also had his tk penetrated by bazooka fire and he himself and no 7926792 Tpr Horley G his gunner were wounded. Tp Horley did particularly well in getting his Tp Ldr out of the tk when seriously wounded and himself though wounded running across under heavy fire to explain the situation to his Sqn Ldr. With the help of a TP sent across from 'B' Sqn and as a result of considerable skill and excellent work by Capt GV Luttrell 2nd in Comd of the Sqn and Sgt Jackson '034 - Tp Sgt 1st Tp, the 1st Tp tk tracks were repared under fire and everybody successfully extricated except Lt Bryces tk which had to be left behind with himself and his operator dead inside it. By 1800hrs the situation was cleared up all round and similar posns in the previous night were once more taken up with the exception that the Irish Guards on the West drew themselves into a line running South down the track from 343982 and left the enemy in possession of the woods to the West of this. 'A' Sqn conformed to this disposition and contd in support. The Regt had had a fairly hard day's fighting and had undoubtedly been promint in repelling a fairly determined attack against the bridge head. Information from prisoners showed that the enemy believed that we only had a bridge head of 1 weak Bn and that they would be able to destroy this and regain possession of the bridge and adv Southwards once more to the ALBERT CANAL. The following casualties were sustained during the day:- Killed Lt AM Bryce, 321917 Tpr Walker R 1st Tp 'A' Sqn. No 14414856 Tpr Beathfield R 1st Tp 'C' Sqn. No 14498283 Tpr Downing P 2nd Tp 'C' Sqn. Wounded - Lt WRMcM Winkley, no 7926792 Tpr Horley G, no 317625 Tpr Ashley R, no 14422851 Tpr Harris W 2nd Tp 'A' Sqn. No 3607991 L/C Shaldon F 1st Tp 'A' Sqn, no 7919979 Cpl Woolfast J 1st Tp 'C' Sqn, no 3605308 L/C Hamilton E, no 7960951 Tpr Wright D 2nd Tp 'C' Sqn. In addition Capt CY Mills comd A1 Ech and no 7899905 Sgt Baynes R 'A' Sqn Mech Sgt were wounded by shrapnel by long range shelling.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Mia Litjens.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.