Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 15th/19th Hussars
Month and Year: September 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.D. Taylor, MC.
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
10   Once again a lovely Sept.morning, a fine day with one heavy shower in the evening. The Regt moved out of harbour at 0645hrs and adv Northwards and then turned East and crossed the ALBERT CANAL by Bailey Bridge West of BERINGEN 2375, at the head of 159 Inf Bde Gp, and took up posns East of X rds 2672 as follows:- 'A' Sqn astride road in area VOORTER-HEIDE 2873, RHQ on road behind 'A' Sqn. Recce patrols sent fwd to X rds 3575 and South East and Southwards to road junct 3366 and to area of canal crossing 2766 and 2569. Two troops of 'C' Sqn under comd of sqn-ldr - Maj C. Courage were brought fwd to help. These encountered more A/Tk guns in the village and in the wood to the S.W. of it and on the rly line to the S of it, one or two of which they knocked out. With the help of these tks 'B' Sqn withdrew from the area followed by 'C' Sqn just before dark and the Regt harboured in the area of LIIO 3274.The two Sqns had inflicted considerable losses on the enemy but the following casualties had been sufferd. Killed - Lt F.G. Ainslie, Lt B.J. Pearson, no 7906972 Cpl Walker F., no 7908536 Tpr Johns F., no 7962785 Tpr Simpson all of 'B' Sqn. Missing feared killed - no. 14222684 L/C Scudamore J., no. 14226495 Tpr Munro R., no. 408200 Tpr Robson A., no 321239 Tpr Lawley C. all of 'B' Sqn. Wounded - Capt C.D. Agnew, no 403359 SSM Maddocks T., no. 7907813 L/Sgt Sampson K., no 14297094 Tpr Gentles G., no 14423438 Tpr Wren J., no 7908521 Tpr Jeffrey R., no 4622759 Tpr Middleton J. and no 14224314 Tpr Kirton R. all of 'B' Sqn and no 7899441 Tpr Maskall J., no 14388227 Tpr Pickard J. and no 14403090 Tpr Cook D. of 'C' Sqn. Tpr Johns and Tpr Simpson were driver and co-driver of Lt. Pearson's tk which was hit in the front and stopped, although the engine and turret were not damaged. After being hit this tk knocked out 2 S.P. guns. Lt. Pearson was unfortunately killed subsequent to this through being shot in the neck by an enemy rifleman having got out of his tk to attend to the two men who had been killed in the front of the tk. Lt. Ainslie and Cpl Walker were killed by a granate thrown into the turret of their tk when they were pinned in the area of the village. SSM Maddocks tk was knocked out by enemy S.P. guns at very short range and it is feared that the whole crew except him were killed. He was found with a wound in the shoulder in a nearby house the following day. A Sherman tk of the Ayrshire Yeo carrying Capt. Burton the F.O.O. working with the Regt was also knocked out and Capt Burton himself received severe wounds of which he subsequently died. The enemy encountered in this area were believed to be S.S. Tps and fought with great determination and tenacity. 1 S.S. prisoner was taken.

Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Mia Litjens.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.