Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 181 Field Regiment R.A.
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.C.E. Devereux
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
SOUTH OF CAUMONT 1   Regt in action in gap in German Lines. Throughout the day armour of Gds Armd Div passes south. 11 Armd Div on right reached BENY BOCAGE. 44 Bde with O.Ps from the regt waiting to continue South.
2   Regt move further South beyond ST MARTIN DES BESANCES. Gds Armd Div held up by enemy pocket.
3   Enemy pocket still not cleared and 44 Bde put u/c Gds Armd Div to clear high ground dominating axis of adv. First phase carried out by 6 RSF supported by two Div Artys. Inf reach obj. Enemy mortaring bring down heavy D.F. on suspected localities.
4   8 R.S. and 6 K.O.S.B. drive wood supported by fire plan. Little
opposition. In evening regt advances into action 4 miles south.
5   Regt remains in same location. Inf regroup to form firm base for further advance.
6   Armour still held up. 46 and 227 Bdes attack ESTRY area, neither completely successful.
Lt Col. R. Bethell R.A. assumes command of the regt in place of Lt Col. A.C.E. Devereux R.A.
7   44 Bde attack Estry supported by Div Arty. Opposition strong, troops forced to withdraw. Continual counter mortar fire brought down.
8   Regt prepares to move to area MONTCHAMP.
9   Regt moves to new area, slight enemy harassing fire during the night.
10   Continual harassing fire brought down on enemy escape road from ESTRY.
11   Enemy shelling and mortaring of O.Ps/inf. This is thought to be a prelude to withdrawal.
12   Enemy activity continues. Shooting restricted due to uncertainty of location of flank formations.
13   Enemy activity decreasing. Warning received that Bde 11 Armd Div will shortly take over front. News received that enemy has withdrawn from ESTRY.
14   Regt moves to other end of front and harbouring on banks of R. Orne. South of CAEN. Preparations made to take over posn from 53 Div.
15   Regt addressed by new GOC Gen Barber. Day spent in rest. Tps bathed in river.
16   Advance parties prepare fresh areas further south. Regt moves to new harbour area across the R. Orne near FORET DE CINGLAIS. Heavy regt moves into fresh gun area before preparations completed.
17   Remain in harbour area.
18   Warning received for move next day.
19   Regt moves into action. N.W. of FALAISE. No firing from this position as The Gap becomes full of own tps.
20   Warning received for advance to contact march. This later postponed for three days.
21   Release from firing commitments.
22   Warning received for short move next day.
23   Moved to harbour area East of FALAISE.
24   44 Bde gp incl this regt advances as far MEULLES without opposition and harbours for the night.
25   Advance continued towards LOUVIERS, held up by blown bridges. Regt moves during night. Regt arrives in action.
26   Regt moves into action outside Le NEUBOURG early morning. No opposition, and no firing.
27   Regt moves E of Louviers and prepares to support crossing of R. SEINE. Crossing done during night and is "silent."
28   Little opposition met across Seine and little fire required. Regt moves to cover enlargement of bridgehead to the north.
29   Regt crosses R. SEINE and goes into action near NATTEVILLE.
30   53 Div passes through bridgehead. No firing.
31   Recreation and training.

previous month

Source: The War Diaries of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division June 1944 - May 1945.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.