Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 181 Field Regt R.A.
Month and Year: July 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt Col A.C.E. Devereux
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
1   Threat of enemy break through to gun posn past but counter attack against inf throughout the day. Most broken up by DF fire and ground lost is regained in the evening.
2   Regt relieved by 81 Fd Regt and moves to SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN. Posns previously occupied by Cdns taken over but any firing unlikely.
3   Rest and maintenance.
4   G.O.C. addresses the regt. Posns prepared at ST MAUVIEU but no orders to occupy received.
5   Rest and maintenance.
6   Major Keenlyside posted to regt. Given command of 179 Bty.
7   Visit from C.R.A. Heavy bomber attack on CAEN area seen during the evening.
8   Regt moves into action at ST MAUVIEU.
9   170 R.P.G. dumped in early morning, another 100 R.P.G. brought forward
from previous posn. Further 130 R.P.G. dumped mid-day. Numerous dead cows buried.
News received that CAEN is in our hands.
10   Fire plan in support of 43 Div attack on ETTERVILLE area. OPs with 9 Cams who are assisting in this operation. Very heavy opposition encountered.
11   Counter mortar fire and DF fire brought down throughout the day.
12   Enemy mortaring still heavy. Adv parties go forward to MOUEN.
13   Priority residue arrives. No firing except in emergency.
14   Regt moving into action at MOUEN. Shelling during the night. RAP hit but no casualties.
15   Op. Greenline. Night attack on BOUGY, GAVRUS and EVRECY supported by Corps Arty.
16   Attack according to plan but very heavy enemy shelling and mortaring throughout the day. X2 of 178 Bty shot up. Enemy counter attacks broken up by DF fire.
17   Enemy mortaring continues. A.O.P. fire on suspected Nebelwerfer. Capt Shaw brings down very effective DF fire on enemy counter attack.
18   Counter mortar & DF fire brought down throughout day on enemy posns.
19   Numerous V tgts in early morning. Front quieter during the day. Gun area shelled during evening. 1 O.R. killed in 179 Bty.
20   44 Bde out of the line & only firing likely is on V and U tgts.
21   3 casualties from enemy shelling.
22   Warning order to move received. New area is in US sector.
23   Shelling in night, no casualties.
Regt moves into action N of CAUMONT. Gun area is in area of US Fd Bn and RHQ in same location as their HQ.
24   DF tasks arranged - No operations planned by the div. Final residue arrives.
25   Two surveyors sent to operate Four pen recorder.
26   Fire plan in support of attack by 2 & 5 US Divs. Wireless silence except in emergency.
27   Further fire plan in support US Army. Several HM tasks fired. HF on 2 Pz Div moving across front to meet US thrust.
28   Propaganda shells fired. JU 88 shot down near area.
29   R.E.M.E. inspection of vehs.
15 Div put in attack; forward posns recced for occupation when front moves forward. Amn dumped.
30   Attack begins supported by airburst barrage. Enemy resistance not heavy and guns move forward to outskirts of CAUMONT in the afternoon. Enemy posns penetrated to a distance of 8 miles.
31   Recce parties leave at first light and regt moves into action S of CAUMONT. Considerable firing. Armour passing through all day.

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Source: The War Diaries of the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division June 1944 - May 1945.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.