Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1.
and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages
will be prepared in manuscript. |
Army Form C.2118 |
Unit: Inns of Court Regt, RAC | ||
Month and Year: July 1944 | (Erase heading not required). | Commanding Officer: Lt.Col. R.A.G. Bingley |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary | Reference |
1-2 | C Sqn: Lt. Kaye returned to SHQ. Other L.Os remain. | |||
1-7 | Rgt: Operation CHARNWOOD. | |||
1-7 | Rgt: Whilst in reserve in the area REVIERS 966814, the Regiment was re-organised, each Sabre Sqn consisting of:- | |||
1-7 | Rgt: 4 light troops, each consisting of 2 Daimler Scout Cars. | |||
1-7 | Rgt: 4 heavy troops, each consisting of 2 Daimler A/Cars and 1 Daimler S/Car. | |||
1-7 | Rgt: 1 Blitz Tp and Sqn HQ. | |||
1-7 | Rgt: The Matadors Section was withdrawn from each Squadron and put under regimental control under Lieut. J.R. Bottomley. | |||
3 | C Sqn: Lt. Corke moves to 43 Div. Lt. Kaye to 53 Div. | |||
4-6 | C Sqn: No Change. | |||
7 | C Sqn: Lt. Black to 175 Bde. Sgt Wright to 7 Cdn Bde. Lt. Young to 197 Bde. Sgt McQuistan to 9 Cdn Bde. Lt. Wall to 185 Bde. Lt. Greenberg joins Sqn. | |||
7 | Rgt: The Regiment was put under command 3 Cdn Inf Div and orders received to take over 7 Cdn Inf Bde section of front between incl. ROSEL 9672 – incl. LA VILLENEUVE 9570. | |||
7 | Rgt: 7 Cdn Recce Regt was put under command (consisting of two Sqns only; with their Commanding Officer, Lieut-Col Lewis). | |||
7 | Rgt: C Sqn was left in reserve at REVIERS with A & B Ech & F2. | |||
7 | Rgt: Sections of Bren Gunners from A & B Echs under Capt. Bucknill were detailed as added defence: a party of 20 men from B Ech assisted in the defence of RHQ. Detailed recce of posns. and liaison with present occupants was done by Sqn and Tp Ldrs during the morning, and Sqns moved out from REVIERS area at one hour intervals during the afternoon, vehicle concentrating in area 950753. The Regiment took over the sector as follows:- | |||
7 | Rgt: D Sqn - Right LA VILLEUNEUVE | |||
7 | Rgt: B Sqn - Centre LE BOURG 952722 | |||
7 | Rgt: A Sqn - Left ROTS 9571 | |||
7 | Rgt: RHQ - BRAY 9473. | |||
7 | Rgt: Each Sqn used Daimler A/Cars only, disposed in fire positions, with crews of Daimler S/Cars on the ground with Brens. Matador Troop was disposed in pairs of cars in position within the sector. Some 17 pr and 6 pr A/Tk Guns were under Comd (Major Pollock) and a rep. from Cdn Corps Arty was with RHQ. Two Sqns 7 Cdn Recce held ROSEL. | |||
7 | Rgt: Cars moved up singly and very slowly from concentration area to avoid making dust. Scout Car personnel being carried on outside of A/Cars and the take over was completed by 2300 hrs. | |||
7 | Rgt: During the evening in daylight a very heavy attack by RAF Lancasters was seen to be put in on CAEN. | |||
7 | Rgt: Blitz Tps patrolled the area as far as the crest of the ridge in front of the posn: no enemy was encountered and they returned by 0500 hrs. | |||
8-9 | C Sqn: No Change. All L.Os recalled evening of July 9th. | |||
8 | Rgt: Some shelling during the night, but no casualties. The attack opened at 0420 hrs with tremendous Arty crash. Sqns prepared to move forward to crest with the A/Cars each to give covering fire to 9 Cdn Bde advance on CRUCHY, Chau de St LOUET and FRANQUEVILLE and to simulate the development of an armoured threat. Shelling, mortaring and snipers in the corn were encountered, all day, but Sqns had a successful shoot. In the evening, responsibility for the Regtl sector was removed, and a Recce was ordered South from the main BAYEUX – CAEN Rd beyond CARPIQUET to look for a reported concentration of enemy south of the aerodrome. | |||
8 | Rgt: D Sqn on right and A Sqn on left (W. & E.) of CARPIQUET reec'd as far as the Brelteville-sur-Odon rd, but darkness and the presence of dug-in Panthers cut the recce short: no concentration was seen, however. During this recce A sqn was heavily fired on by Panthers etc which allowed the first two troops to proceed before opening up: Major Scott lost touch with these two troops and on their return it was found that their A-set aerials had been cut to two inches by enemy fire. One Daimler A/Car was lost, Sgt Thorp being killed. It appears that a Coy. of Coldstream Guards through which A Sqn passed failed to warn them that the road was under fire from Panthers. A Sqn withdrew under cover of smoke, D Sqn found buildings on W. & S. of aerodrome strongly held. At the same time heavy tps of A & B Squadrons were ordered to the main road and rail bridges in CAEN: this, however, they were unable to carry out, owing to enemy opposition and except for the troop of B Sqn which blocked the road at ST GERMAIN, all Sqns were withdrawn and concentrated before 2359 hrs. | |||
8 | Rgt: RHQ moved to area LA VILLENEUVE. | |||
9 | Rgt: Advance into CAEN began. Hy troop of B Sqn (Sgt Clark) advanced down main ST GERMAIN Rd. until well into the town. Our tps were reported at the main Br. and at 0700 hr. D & A Sqns were ordered to loop round by North by CUSSY 9970 and thence S.E. into the town: B Sqn to recce South from CAEN – CARPIQUET Rd, assisted by 7 Cdn Recce Sqns. | |||
9 | Rgt: Situation at midday was: A & D Sqns in CAEN with patrols on almost all the brs. all of which were strongly held by the enemy: B Sqn S. of CAEN – BRETTEVILLE Rd between EASTINGS OO & R. ORNE. Progress through CAEN was found to be difficult, owing to craters and mountains of rubble and opposition from snipers and mortars: a rapturous welcome was given by the population, some of whom assisted our patrols by guiding them round obstructions etc. | |||
9 | Rgt: B Sqn contacted enemy at Br over R. ODON at 008667: a good O.P. was found in a housetop at 007674 from which valuable information was obtained with a telescope as to enemy posns S. of R. ODON. | |||
9 | Rgt: At 1910 hrs Col Bingley ordered all Sqns to withdraw N. of R. ODON and concentrate by Sqns. RHQ at ROTS: all Sqn Ldrs called during the evening and received orders. | |||
9 | Rgt: F2 and A Ech moved up to area 1 mile N. of ROTS. | |||
9 | Rgt: A & B Sqns were ordered to liaise and recce the area CAEN 912626 – EVRECY 9360 – AMAYE SUR ORNE 9758 – CAEN, observing the attack of 43 Div. D Sqn & 7 Cdn Recce in reserve. | |||
9 | Rgt: A & B Sqns spent most of the day in the area immediately S. of CAEN – VERSON Rd, observing the fighting, progress of which was slow, probing fwd with the Infantry, but finding the resistance too strong. Valuable information was passed from all sectors, especially from LOUVIGNY, MALTOT and the feature N. of ESQUAY (Pt. 112), all from OPs, or from tps who crept forward on their stomachs to get a close view. | |||
9 | Rgt: All tps were withdrawn at approm 2000 hrs to area VILLENEUVE – ROTS. | |||
10 | C Sqn: Lt. Corke to 43 Div. Lt Black to 153 Bde. | |||
11 | C Sqn: Lt. Corke and Lt. Black recalled to Sqn. | |||
11 | Rgt: The Regiment spent the morning on maintenance etc and moved back by Sqns during the evening to orlglnal area REVIERS. | |||
11 | Rgt: Wireless on RHQ | |||
11 | Rgt: During this operation, in addition to normal Regimental Rear Link (to 3 Cdn Div a third net was maintained by Capt Gil, to L.O. at HQ 1 Corps (Lieut Hunt): information received on Comd Net was thus passed back simultaneously to Corps and Div. On the first two days, L.Os. (officers of C Sqn) were maintained on this third net with HQs 7 & 9 Cdn Inf Bde, and 176, 185 and 197 Bdes. This proved to be of the greatest value in co-ordinating early information. | |||
12-14 | C Sqn: Sqn reorganises into 6 Light Tps (2 S/Cars) | |||
12-14 | C Sqn: 3 Heavy Tps (2 Daimlers, 1 S.O.D.). | |||
12-16 | Rgt: Regiment in reserve in REVIERS area: Sabre Squadrons further re-organised as follows: | |||
12-16 | Rgt: 6 Light Troops (2 Daimler Scout Cars Each) | |||
12-16 | Rgt: 3 Heavy Troops (2 Daimler A/Cars, 1 “S.O.D." (Sawn-off-Daimler) each). | Appendix. Letter dated 17 July from Commander 8 Corps | ||
16 | C Sqn: Lt. Bottomley posted to Sqn | |||
17 | C Sqn: Sqn moved to conc. area for operation East of ORNE. | |||
17 | Rgt: Operation GOODWOOD. | |||
17 | Rgt: In this operation 8 Corps with, under command, 11, 7 and Guards Armd Divs were to force a passage Southwards out of the existing bridgehead East of R. ORNE, and seize the high ground VIMONT 1561 – ROQUANCOURT 0658, with a view to 7 Armd Div exploiting South with Rd. CAEN – FALAISE as right boundary. Inns of Court Regt was placed u/c 11 Armd Div, whose objective was on the RIGHT. Cdn Corps on right and 1 Corps on left were to do supporting attacks to cover these flanks. | |||
17 | Rgt: Regiment moved from REVIERS 1100 hrs to area ANGUERNY [177]. Col. Bingley gave orders at 1700 hrs as follows: Light Troops only of A, B, C, D Sqns to move down corridor behind 29 Armd Bde (who were to lead 11 Armd Div and lead the force). On reaching CAEN – VIMONT rd, Sqns to fan out, A on Right, (with Western limit on R. LAIZE), D, B & C Sqns on Left (with Eastern limit VIMONT) ST SYLVAIN 1354. First Bound WHISKY: R. LAIZE – BRETTEVILLE-SUR-LAIZE 0553 – ST SYLVAIN 1354. Further orders were given in the event of this line being successfully reached. | |||
17 | Rgt: Heavy Tps, Blitz Tps, Matador Tps and Staghounds remained in area ANGUERNY throughout the operation (this was ordered by Corps Comd in view of the very limited facilities for moving large forces across R. ORNE) Sqns took light Sqn HQs only with Ambulances. | |||
18 | C Sqn: 0315 hrs moved to forming up area North of CAEN with 5 Tps of 2 S/Cars. Orders to recce area ARGENEES – HUAN-VIMONT. Tps held up by enemy A.T. guns and tank battles in area CAGNY. Lt. Bottomley reached BOURGEBUS 1530 hrs, lost one S/Car. Sqn retired to harbour area CUVERVILLE 1900 hrs. Casualties S/Car 1, Personnel - Nil. | |||
18 | Rgt: Light Tps of all Sqns as above A Sqn leading, moved out 0330 hrs to go down tracks allotted to 29 Armd Bde. Concentration area at 1073. Heavy bombing in area of proposed corridor was carried out 0630 - 0815 hrs, and 29 Armd Bde moved at 0815 hrs behind creeping barrage (with I.C.R. immediately in their Rear) between lines CUVERVILLE 1069 – DEMOUVILLE 1067 and TOUFFREVILLE 1368 – SANNERVILLE 1368. By 0915 hrs leading Tp A Sqn reach area 115695. At 1000 hrs wheeled advance held up in area 106672 by Rly embankment. Gap blown here by R.E’s at 1100 hrs and Sqns immediately came through. In meantime, 29 Armd Bde reported that they had reached their first Bound NEWMARKET (ST ANDRE-SUR-ORNE 0261 – BOURGUEBUS 0861). | |||
18 | Rgt: Strong enemy defences were at met N. of CAEN – VIMONT Rly and original recconnaissance had to be modified. Comd 29 Armd Bde reported at 1515 hrs that situation had deteriorated. Continual contacts were made during remainder of day with tanks and arty in areas CAGNY 1164 – FRENOUVILLE 1162 – FOUR 0962 – BOURGUEBUS 0861 – HUBERT FOLIE 0662 – BRAS 0663. B Sqn, which crossed the gap last, were in area LE MESNIL FREMENTEL 1065, and A, C & D Sqns tried all day to find a way through the defences but were not able to do so, except for two D Sqn patrols. Lieut Russell at 1530 hrs reached ST AIGNAN de CRAMESNIL 0956 and returned via BOURGUEBUS and GRENTHEVILLE 0861, having met no serious opposition: he found BOURGUEBUS/LA HOGUE 0960 and SECQUEVILLE la CAMPAGNE 1059 only lightly held by infantry (who seemed very surprised to see him). Lieut Taylor reached CAUMESNIL 0855 at 1700 hrs at great speed and returned along CAEN – FALAISE Rd reporting no serious opposition to his progress. | |||
18 | Rgt: At 2030 hrs the Regiment was ordered to withdraw and concentrate by Sqns in area CUVERVILLE – DEMOUVILLE and close down till 0600 hrs. During the day, many identifications of prisoners were obtained and passed back to 11 Armd Div and to 8 Corps (on private net operating as L.O. on Op. Charnwood). Casualties: Capt. J.A. Bucknill (acting as L.O. with Tach HQ 29 Armd Bde) was killed, by direct hit on his Scout Car. No other casualties to personnel: 3 Scout Cars knocked out. RHQ (Main) at 035704, F2 & A Ech at ANGUERNY throughout the operation. Comd. 11 Armd Div (Maj-Gen Roberts) ordered Col. Bingley to remain with him at his Tac HQ throughout the operation. L.Os were maintained with HQs 11 Armd Div, 8 Corps and 1 Corps operating on “private net” with RHQ. An L.O. from 11 Hussars was with RHQ. | |||
18 | Rgt: Orders from 11 Armd Div for an attack by night in conjunction with Armd Regts of29 Armd Bde were cancelled at 2100 hrs. | |||
19 | C Sqn: Sqn in Reserve. | |||
19 | Rgt: B & D Sqns were ordered to recce respectively EAST & WEST of CAEN – FALAISE rd as far as BRETTEVILLE-SUR-LAIZE – ST. SYLVAIN line, starting 0700 hrs. D Sqn found great difficulty in reaching their area, being held up on the BRAS – CORNELLES – MONDEVILLE line. By 1200 hrs, however, patrols reached FAUBOURG de VAUCELLES and factory area CORNELLES contacting Os.C. 29 Armd Bde and units of Canadian formations who were to attack southwards along E. bank of R. ORNE. | |||
19 | Rgt: B Sqn operated most of the day in area FOUR – SOLIERS – LE POIRIER 0063. An O.P. was set up in FOUR from which movement in wood 1060 were observed: this Troop (Lieut Dowell) were apparently captured, but both cars were recovered intact by another patrol. | |||
19 | Rgt: By the end of the day Cdns had taken IFS 0463, FLEURY-SUR-ORNE 0264 and N. side of Feature 67, 0263. Liaison was maintained by patrols throughout the day with Tank and Inf Comds on the ground. | |||
19 | Rgt: All patrols withdrawn to CUVERVILLE area at approx 1830 hrs. B Sqn patrol (Lieut Munro) sent to contact Canadians at Pt 67 at 2130 failed to return. | |||
20-21 | C Sqn: In Reserve. | |||
20 | Rgt: Regiment in reserve except for two A Sqn patrols (Lieut D.B. Archer and Lieut H.R. Ashby) whose task was to liaise with Comds Cdn Inf and tank attacks in areas Pt 67 (0263) and BRAS. There was intense shelling and mortaring in their areas all day, but they were able to keep the Comds to whom they were attached well informed of the situation in the two areas from 0600 hrs onwards. By the end of the day our line was established from ST. ANDRE-SUR-ORNE 0261 – FRENOUVILLE. | |||
20 | Rgt: A heavy thunderstorm made reception difficult 1730 - 1830 hrs. 11 Armd Div were withdrawn in the afternoon (being relieved by 2 Cdn Div) and wireless silence imposed from 1700 hrs. A Sqn patrols withdrawn 2000 hrs. | |||
20 | Rgt: Squadrons withdrawn (with some difficulty,owing to the mud which developed very rapidly with the rain) to area ST H0NORINE LA CHARDONNERETTE 0971. | |||
21 | Rgt: Regiment in reserve in same area. Rain all night and in the morning some shelling and bombing. | |||
22 | C Sqn: Moved to area AUGUERNY, West of ORNE. | |||
22 | Rgt: Regiment withdrawn (with main RHQ) to original area ANGUERNY 0177. | |||
23 | C Sqn: Major W.L. Warren assumed cmd of Sqn. Capt. K.M. Reid became 2 i/c. | |||
23 | Rgt: Regiment moved to new area CULLY 0176 on orders 8 Corps during afternoon. | |||
24 | C Sqn: Sqn moves to area CULLY. | |||
24 | Rgt: Maintenance etc. | |||
25-28 | C Sqn: Sqn in area CAMILLY – Regt in Reserve. | |||
25 | Rgt: Regiment moved to area LE FRESNE CAMILLY 9477, owing to the CULLY area having been simultaneously allotted to RAF formations. | |||
30 | C Sqn: Sqn moves for operation South of CAUMONT, to area SALLEN. | |||
31 | C Sqn: Sqn moves with 6 Light and 3 Heavy Tps. Lt. Kaye (3) and Lt. Hanson (4) reach area BREMOY, kill a number of German parachute troops and report on position. Lt. Greenberg (5) area BORSON HOMINE. Lt. Wall (6) area point 309. Sqn concentrates in area ST ONEA-DES-BESACRES for night. Casualties - nil. | |||
31 | C Sqn: Decorations awarded. Capt. S.H. Gill, M.C. for gallantry on beach on June 6th. Lt. R. Wigram, M.C. He had led the recce troops all the way down West of R. SEULLES on June 6/7/8th. Sgt. Wright, M.M. Sgt. McQuistan, M.M. Cpl Fowler, M.M. He led party on foot back by compass after ambush at CHRISTOT, June 8th, carrying wounded man with them. Sgt Greenaway, M.M. He was assisting Lt. Sinnatt in the attack on the defence post at LA REVIERE and after Lt. Sinnatt's death advanced under fire to recover Lt. Sinnatt’s driver. |
Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.
Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.