Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: Inns of Court Regt, RAC
Month and Year: August 1944 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt.Col. R.A.G. Bingley
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
1   B Sqn: Sqn under comd 15 Recce Regt. provided standing patrols in area Pt 309 (Coldstream Hill). Considerable enemy mortar and small arms activity.
1   C Sqn: In reserve at ST ODON awaiting advance of Guards Armd Div.
2   B Sqn: Sqn moved South from ST MARTIN LES BESACRES to recce area East of CATHEOLLES but fierce enemy opposition prevented completion of move. Sqn Ldr (Major A.W. Read) was killed by mortar as Sqn commenced to cross river at last mentioned place. River crossed and recce continued of area BEALIEU — PRESTES — ESTAY (7138).
2   C Sqn: At 0330 hrs orders were given to move behind 2 Welsh Guards and in front of Guards Armd Bde to area LE BENY BOCAGE. Patrols operated on rds S., E. and S.E.
3   B Sqn: Major M.E. Gibb assumes comd of Sqn which returned to LA FERRIERE (6445).
3/5   C Sqn: Sqn in reserve in area LE TOURNEUR.
4   B Sqn: In reserve.
5   B Sqn: Sqn moved to LE TOURNEUR (6846).
6/9   B Sqn: In reserve.
9   A Sqn: Squadron warned to be ready to move under command 15 Sc. Div. Final orders issued at 1600 hrs and Blitz Tps detailed to take up defensive positions in area COUDRAIES.
10   A Sqn: Regt ordered to move to a conc. area ARCLAIS (730443). Sqn moved at 1000 hrs followed by other Sqns at intervals of 1 hr.
10/13   B Sqn: Took over three positions from 15 Recce Regt. Enemy mortar fire continued steadily. At night 2 patrols reached line 2 Kilos South of ST JEAN LE BLANC.
10/11   C Sqn: Sqn moved to area ARCLAIS.
11   A Sqn: Sqn warned to be ready to support ‘D’ Sqn in reconnoitering S.E. towards CONDE if a break through were effected. Heavy shelling in both directions.
12   A Sqn: In Reserve.
12   C Sqn: Sqn moved to area CONDRAIES.
13/14   A Sqn: Sqn detailed to take on the left flank of D Sqn reconnaissance South ar CONDE. Light Tps proceeded to area ST PIERRE - LA VIELLE (86639). Heavy Tps to MONT PINCON (8344). Sqn HQ remained at COUDRAIES.
13/14   C Sqn: 29 Armd Bde carried out recce area LASSY – VASSY. Owing to area being very enclosed and close recce being done, no quantity of information was obtained and Sqn withdrew to area LA CAVERIE.
14   B Sqn: Moved to area PERCY (7341).
15   A Sqn: Regt came under command 11 Armd Div. Sqn under command 29 Armd Bde ordered to recce South via VASSY - CONDE aiming towards FLERS in order to bring 11 Armd Div on to a start line (the road CONDE - FLERS) for a subsequent advance across the R. ORNE to R. SEINE. Owing to bad visibility no advance was made until 0730 hrs. Bridges at 789326 and 793326 and 782324 reported blown and approaches covered by fallen trees. Blitz Tp ordered to send patrols out VASSY and link up with patrols in the West end of town, which was later reported to be clear of the enemy. A bridge was found intact at 798328 which was crossed by the Sqn, one tp holding the bridge from positions on the main road. First contact reported at river crossing 828328 the approaches to which were mined and covered by an 88mm gun. Enemy movement on the S. side of the stream at 811310 in the direction of LES FORGES. At 1930 hrs visibility had decreased to 300 yds and in company with infantry patrols an attack was made on enemy inf in area 793302. Sqn HQ moved to area 774380.
15   B Sqn: Carried out recce of area LASSY 7939 - ST VIGOR DES-MEZENET (8238) - CONDE (8832) - VASSY (7932). Large number of enemy mines discovered.
16   A Sqn: In reserve until 1900 hrs when Sqn ordered to move to concentration area on road CERISI-BELLE-ETOILE (8226) to CALIGNY (8427).
16   B Sqn: Recce of area VASSY - ST MARTIN (8832) - FLERS (8721).
16   C Sqn: At 1000 hrs Sqn moved to recce area S. of VASSY to FLERS. 1 Tp recce’d to bridge which was reported clear and intact. 2 Tp proceeded S. and W. of FLERS to area ST PAUL where contact was made with 3 Br. Inf Div. 3 Tp arrived at the Bridge. Tps 5 & 9 fought down ST PIERRE - FLERS rd and contacted 3 Br. patrols. 7 Tp remained in reserve. Sqn withdrew at night.
17   A Sqn: Sqn ordered to cross main rd FLERS - CONDE and recce East towards PUTANGES (0820). Sqn proceeded via AUBUSSON which was recce'd by a Blitz Tp and reported clear at 0730 hrs. RONFEUGERAI reported clear at 0845 hrs. Tps advancing towards FLERS reported rd junc 872208 mined and local inhabitants reported enemy post at 884209. These tps were then ordered to move N.E. and rejoin the BRIOUZE rd at 893214. Some enemy opposition encountered and several positions taken. ATHIS reported clear. Bridge at 979260 reported blown and a detailed report on the approaches rendered which enabled a new bridge to be built during the night. Crossings over R. ROUVE in area East of LA CARNEILLE could not be approached owing to strong enemy inf. formations.
17   B Sqn: Moved to area AUBUSSON (8824).
18   A Sqn: Sqn ordered to move at 1130 hrs to conc. area 2 miles West of PUTANGES but enemy shelling caused the Sqn to divert down the S. road from BRIOUZE - ECOUCHE.
18   B Sqn: At 0430 hrs Sqn moved to cross R. ROUVRE at 9927 and recce area PUTANGES (1021) – ECOUCHE (1916) – FROMENREL (0917). PUTANGES entered at 1100 hrs, and, as the leading troop approached, the enemy blew main bridge. Several Panthers tanks reported S. of town.
18   C Sqn: Sqn moved at 0600 hrs to recce S. to BRIOUZE, E. to ECOUCHE - ARGENTAN. Valuable information was passed including the blowing of two bridges. Sqn in reserve at night in area LE FRESNAY.
19   A Sqn: Light tps observed river line ECOUCHE - PUTANGES but no enemy movement was seen and patrols were recalled at 1045 hrs and at 1230 hrs Sqn moved East through ECOUCHE, ST CRISTOPHE LE JAJOLET then North to area East of ARGENTAN concentrating in PETIT FORET DE GOUFFERN.
19   B Sqn: Sqn in reserve at ST HILAIRE DE BRIOUZE (0415).
20   A Sqn: In Reserve.
20   B Sqn: Sqn moved to ALMENECHES (6041).
21   A Sqn: Sqn ordered to recce 3 main roads (1) CHAMBOIS - GACE - ST EVROULT (2) BOURG ST LEONARD - EXMES - GASE – ST EVROULT (3) roads to the S.E. All tps moved successfully and an alternative route was found for 159 Inf Bde from BOURG ST LEONARD to the Northern route at AVENELLES as the Brigade could not proceed via CHAMBOIS.
21   B Sqn: In reserve.
21   C Sqn: Sqn moved to area BOURG ST LEONARD E. of ARGENTAN and at 1500 hrs assumed liaison with forward British, American and French tps in area S. of GACE. All tps in contact with forward elements on all sectors. Harboured night in same area.
22/25   A Sqn: In reserve at LE SAP-ANDRE.
22   B Sqn: Recce carried out of area GACE (5448) - ST EVROULT (6747) - LAIGLE (7843) - ST GAUBURGE (6339). Whole area heavily mined.
22   C Sqn: Remained in harbour.
23/25   B Sqn: Sqn in reserve at ST ANDRE D’ECHAUFFEUR (5943).
23   C Sqn: Sqn moved at 1st light to recce area RUGLES – CARECHE – LA NEUVE LYRE. Enemy contacted N.E. of LA FERTE FRESNIL and two tps held up by mines. Sqn withdrew in reserve at night.
24/25   C Sqn: Sqn in reserve.
25/26   A Sqn: Regt moved to area East of ST EVROULT through LAIGLE – RUGLES to CONCHES.
26/27   B Sqn: Sqn accompanied Regt on march towards CHAMPENARD (3376).
26   C Sqn: Sqn joined march column at 0500 hrs and advanced to BAS-DE-BRIETEUIL (9354?).
27   A Sqn: In Reserve.
28   A Sqn: Sqn concentrated in VERNON at 1230 hrs R. SEINE crossed at 1430 hrs.
28   B Sqn: Patrols crossed R. SEINE at 0630 hrs to push forward from Br. head. Considerable opposition.
29   A Sqn: Sqn ordered to reconnoitre N.E. on Guards Armd Div and 11 Armd Div axis of advance. Considerable enemy opposition reported area FOURGES. Villages of TOURNY & LES ANDELYS reported clear, but large numbers of enemy observed in area. Relieved by D Sqn at 1700 hrs.
29   B Sqn: Sqn in reserve at 4276.
30/31   A Sqn: Sqn moved to area ST GERMER. Considerable enemy activity and demolished enemy tpt observed. Sqn moved on through AMIENS to PLACHY. Collecting 190 prisoners en route.
30   B Sqn: Sqn moved through GISORS (6793) to area SOUGLANS (7522) and at 1700 hrs were ordered to seize and hold two bridges West of AMIENS. Numerous enemy elements encountered and little progress was made in daylight because of streams of German troops proceeding towards AMIENS, many of whom were either killed or taken prisoner.
31   B Sqn: Sqn moved to area West of ARRAS.
31   C Sqn: Sqn advanced and at 1900 hrs passed through AMIENS and harboured at ALLONVILLE.
Field 31   During the period from "D" Day to 31 August 44 the following casualties were suffered in the Regiment :-
31   Capt. J.A. Bucknill, Major A.W. Read, Lieut. P.R.D. Shaw, Lieut O.J. Sinnatt, Lieut. W.I. Gwynne-Jones, Lieut. L.T. Yodaiken, Lieut. R. Wigram, Lieut. B.D. Grierson, Lieut. R.L. Richards, Lieut. C.L. Dowell (first reported missing, but later notified as killed).
31   Twenty-six O.Rs were killed during the same period.
31   Lieut. P.E. Reeve, Lieut. G. Thomson, Lieut. J.H. Henson (since died), Lieut. M.R. Russell, Lieut. J.R.A. Bottomley, Lieut. K.P. Hird, Lieut. E.B. Young, 2/Lt. B.L.B. Kaye.
31   Forty-seven O.Rs were reported wounded during the above period of which six subsequentIy died and three rejoined for duty.
31   Lieut. A.H. Munro (later notified as wounded and in the U.K.).
31   Six O.Rs were reported missing of which one was subsequently notified as wounded and in the U.K.

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Source: Jeroen Koppes,, transcribing: Hans Houterman.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.