Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 1 Worcestershire Regiment
Month and Year: April 1945 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. M.R.J. Thomson MC
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
South of SINDEREN 1 0630 Bn moved embussed to continue advance "B" Coy leading. Opposition nil and advance steady until advance guard reached area RUURLO where it was found impossible to continue over route laid down, the rds being impassible for wheeled traffic after tanks had passed over them. Numerous alternative routes were recced but the only possible through-way was found to be through the town of RUURLO. Advance then continued until opposition was met by advance guard in area DEIPENHEIM - South of GOOR. After a considerable delay the C.O. went forward to DEIPENHEIM and ordered "B" Coy to attack and capture bridge over canal immediately South of GOOR. Attack started immediately and continued well until within 15 yds of the bridge when bridge was blown up. Bn then consolidated on line of canal - "B" Coy left fwd, "C" Coy right fwd, "D" Coy centre and "A" Coy in rear. Orders received to hold firm and Bn spent a comparatively quiet night.  
Area South of GOOR 2   Further advance impossible owing to bridges over canal being blown and instructions received that Bn would be relieved by Cdn Unit and would move back to area NOORDIJK. Whilst awaiting relief considerable enemy movement was observed across the canal. Our sniper section were busy and claimed 23 hits and many possibles. Our 3" mortar Pl also reported a very successful shoot. Relief commenced at 15.00 hrs approx and by 17.00 hrs Bn less two fwd Coys were clear of area.  
NOORDIJK 3   Orders received that Bn would move to conc. area at BOEKELO (5401). Recce party left 13.30 hrs and main body moved at 17.00 hrs. Bn settled in in new area by 21.30 hrs.  
BOEKELO 4   Major G. G. Reinhold M.C. left Bn for temporary posn at Div H.Q.
Major J. D. Ricketts D.S.O. assumed 2 i/c of Bn.
Instructions received that Bn would move to and occupy NORDHORN (5427) tomorrow following advance of 51 (H) Div.
  5 1330 Bn recce party left for NORDHORN.  
  5 1800 Main body left and arrived NORDHORN at 23.45 hrs. Bn H.Q. established in school at 548273.  
  6 0930 Bde "O" Group. Bn "O" Group 11.30 hrs. Orders were given for Bn to move towards BREMEN following the 5 D.C.L.I. who were leading the Bde. The Bn group was prepared to move but no timings were given and towards the evening we were given a "No Move" today order from Bde.  
  7   Bn Group at 1 hrs notice to move from 10.00 hrs and eventually Bn moved at 20.00 hrs. We did not get very far before we were ordered to curl up in area wood 669332. Bn was settled in by 23.00 hrs.  
  8 0830 Bn "O" Group when orders were given for the Bn to advance embussed in T.C.V's. as Second Bn in the Bde and spent a long and tiring day with many long halts. The Bn finally curled up in BAWINKEL (7844) at 20.00 hrs.  
  8 2215 Bn "O" Gp when orders were given for the Bn attack on HASELUNNE on the 9th Apr.  
  9 0130 Bn moved off to HAMM (8051) to prepare for the attack on HASELUNNE. At 05.00 hrs Bn embussed at HAMM and moved up on foot preparatory to the attack which was timed for 11.00 hrs. The preparatory fire plan which was from H 15 to H went in and at 11.00 the Bn advanced, "C" Coy leading and "A" Coy following up 15 mins later on their right. "D" Coy and M.M.G. Pl made a wide left flanking movement and established themselves after a short action at 830540 commanding the escape route to the North and West out of HASELUNNE by 11.40 hrs and M.M.G. Pl gave supporting fire into HASELUNNE (8353). A very effective smoke screen and very accurately timed programme by the Arty assisted "C" Coy on to their objective. No opposition was met during the attack and objectives were consolidated by 12.00 hrs. Bn occupied the Southern half of the town and enabled the R.E's. to commence construction of a class 40 Bailey Bridge over the river HASE. At 15.00 hrs enemy commenced shelling the town and caused several casualties among whom was the M.O. Capt. R. Duff Chalmers who had been with the Bn from June '44.
7 Som. L. I. passed through us and cleared the Northern half of the town and apart from shelling met no opposition.
HASELUNNE 10   Baths and Cinema.  
  11   Baths and Cinema.  
  12   Bn placed at 1 hrs notice to move as from 10.00 hrs but was stood down later and ordered "No Move" before Midnight.  
  13   Reveille 04.00 hrs. Bn Group moved off 06.00 hrs advancing on Red Heart Route, passing through HERZELAKE, LONINGEN and stopped at OLDENDORF (0765) at 08.00 hrs. Bn H.Q. established at 072657.
Bde "O" Gp 11.00 hrs, when preliminary orders were issued for 214 Bde to continue the advance when 130 Bde had seized CLOPPENBURG. Bde "O" Gp 19.00 hrs when orders for 214 Bde to pass through 130 Bde and continue the advance on Red Heart Route to AHLHORN X-rds 319785. The 5 D.C.L.I. did a night attack and seized BETHEN.
72657 14   Reveille 04.30 hrs. Bn Gp at half hours notice to move.  
  14 0745 Bn moved off - "D" Coy Gp leading. Advance was slow owing to rd blocks and craters which were encountered every 500 - 600 yds. Very little actual opposition which was only sufficient to enable enemy to blow craters. An enemy S.P. Gun firing from the woods North of the rd approx 1,200 yds away shelled the column when it was spotted and shelled by our Arty effectively. Unluckily a piece of shrapnel struck the C.O. in the leg causing him some discomfort. At 18.30 hrs "D" Coy had advanced 4 miles and reached R. LETHE. Bridge was blown but a small bridge 400 yds to the South was found and the Coy Gp went over and established a bridgehead. "A" Coy then passed through the bridgehead to make it firm. "C" & "B" Coys did not cross the river but were in close defence of bridging site. Major B. N. R. Elder was wounded in the leg and evacuated. R.E's. commenced building bridge during night but owing to accurate enemy shelling bridging Ops were stopped at 02.00 hrs.  
  15   At 05.00 hrs heavy and accurate shelling from 2 S.P. Guns on the bridgehead was the prelude to a determined counter-attack by 200 Inf supported by 2 Panther Tanks. This attack had some initial success, as the two leading Platoons suffered casualties including Lt. Smith killed, but Lt. Crossingham's Pl remained firm and inflicted severe casualties on the enemy. "A" Coy rallied, led by Maj P. G. Hall and what was a dangerous situation was in hand. After further enemy attempts to reach the bridge had failed owing to heavy and accurate small arms fire, enemy tanks and infantry withdrew. This attack cost the enemy 40 dead, 30 or 40 wounded and 60 P's W.  
Bn. H.Q. at 286779 15   At 16.00 hrs "C" Coy passed through and cleaned up tongue of wood and were established at 17.00 hrs. 2 Offrs and 40 O.R's. surrendered to us during the evening.  
CLOPPENBURG FOREST 16   Bn cleaning up CLOPPENBURG FOREST - North side of main axis. Task completed by 18.00 hrs. Little opposition but mines encountered. One Carrier was blown up on mine and one killed. Bn H.Q. moved to 281810. Major P. G. Hall wounded and evacuated. Total P.W. for day - 8.  
STEINLOGE 394795 17 1200 Orders were received that Bn would occupy area STEINLOGE (3979) to protect left flank of Div axis. Bn moved off 15.00 hrs "B" Coy objective was found to be occupied by enemy and Coy consolidated in woods 396812. Bn. H.Q. at 394795. Total P.W. for day - 11.  
395806 18   "B" and "C" Coys re-grouped. "B" Coy to area 395821, "C" Coy to area 420805. At 16.00 hrs Bn H.Q. moved to 395806. Orders were received at 19.00 hrs that Bn would be relieved by unit of 4 Cdn Bde on the 19th - Total P.W. for day - 3.  
BONRECHTERN 432701 19   Orders issued for move to conc. area RECHTERFELD (4372) and BONRECHTERN (4370). Relief by a Bn 4 Cdn Bde commenced at 12.00 hrs and Coys proceeded by march route to new area. Relief completed by 16.00 hrs. Bn. H.Q. at BONRECHTERN 432701.  
  20   Bn resting and re-fitting. Baths and Cinema.  
  21   Baths and Cinema. Warning Order received for move to conc. area SCHWARME (8781) S.E. of BREMEN. Recce party left 16.00 hrs for new area. Appendix "B"
SCHWARME 22   C.O. Lt.-Col. M. R. J. Hope-Thomson M.C. admitted to hospital.
Lt.-Col. A. A. Grubb M.C. assumed command of Bn.
Bn left BONRECHTERN area at 13.30 hrs and arrived in new area SCHWARME (8781) at 17.15 hrs. Bn H.Q at 877800.
830826 23   Bn left SCHWARME at 10.00 hrs to establish firm base whilst 7 Som. L.I. and 5 D.C.L.I. moved over R. WESER.
"A" Coy MORSUM (8985) - "B" Coy RIEDE (8186) - "C" Coy THEDINGHAUSEN (8685) - "D" Coy Reserve. Bn H.Q. at 830826 (South of DONHERSTEDT)
983881 23   At 18.00 hrs - Bn moved to cross R. Weser to area LANGWEDEL. Bn H.Q. at 983881.  
  24 1420 Bn moved off to take over from 7 Som L.I. in area STELLENFELDE. Bn H.Q. at 974933 - 7 P.W.  
Area STELLENFELDE 25 1400 Coy Comds Conference. "D" Coy moved to X-rds 964967. Orders received that Bn would come under comd 130 Bde but orders were later cancelled. Total P.W. for day - 15.  
  26   Baths. Orders received for move up to conc. area for attack on BREMEN. Bde "O" Group 10.30 hrs. Bn "O" Group 12.30 hrs. Moved off 15.15 hrs to conc. area East of HEMELINGEN. Bn H.Q. at 779966 - Bn "O" Group 18.00 hrs. Bn at 30 mins notice to move to attack area 6505. This was later cancelled and orders were received to clear area W of BURGER PARK 0072. A series of "O" Groups were held owing to the flow of the battle and finally the Bn was placed at 15 mins notice to move.  
  27   Moved off 03.15 hrs and settled in new location by 06.00 hrs - Area buildings North of BURGER PARK. Bn was given the task of clearing some 6,000 sq. yrds of BREMEN with the rly line as the boundary between us and 52 (L) Div. Final "O" Group 10.20 hrs and with "A" Coy leading Bn moved at 11.45 hrs and established themselves in the triangle of railway lines and "C" Coy passed through. The opposition was light consisting of snipers and hastily constructed rd blocks. By 17.00 hrs Bn was firmly established in Northern BREMEN as far NORTH as the railway loop.
Lt.-Col. A. A. Grubb M.C. was injured (and evacuated) from fragments of a petard which was destroying a road block. Maj J. D. Ricketts D.S.O. assumed command of Bn with Major J. Clover as 2 i/c. Very slight shelling NORTH of town and some trouble with displaced persons - otherwise BREMEN was quiet. Total P.W. for day - 47.
  28 0800 Recce Party left for conc. area in south BREMEN.  
  28 1030 Relief by Coy Group of K.O.S.B.  
South BREMEN 28 1115 Bn moved embussed to new area, Bn H.Q. 779966.
Major G. G. Reinhold M.C. rejoined Bn from Div H.Q. and assumed comd.
  29   Recce Party left at 15.00 hrs for new area N.E. of BREMEN where 214 Bde was to rejoin the Div on main axis. Main body moved at 16.30 hrs and after a very exhausting journey spent mostly in unexplained halts reached new location.  
886042 29   Bn. H.Q. 886042. Meanwhile the C.O. and Coy Comds spent some hours in recess for a possible night attack.  
  29 2300 Bde "O" Group.  
  30 0030 Bn. "O" Group. Bn. Gp moved off 06.30 hrs in order "C", "D", "A" and "B" Coys. Objective triangle of rds 8504 - 8408 - 8807 - "C" and "D" Coys seized objective without opposition and "B" Coy were passed through and met some opposition from area of blown bridges East of GRASBERG. This was successfully overcome resulting in 62 P.W. also considerable casualties were inflicted to the enemy on the other side of the stream.  
  30 1900 Operation was completed by 19.00 hrs. P.W. for the day 105.  
  30 2230 Bde "O" Group.  
  30 2330 Bn. "O" Group.  

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Source: The Worcestershire Regiment.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.