Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs., Vol. 1. and the Staff Manual respectively Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.

Army Form C.2118
Unit: 1 Worcestershire Regiment
Month and Year: April 1945 (Erase heading not required). Commanding Officer: Lt. Col. M.R.J. Thomson MC
Place Date Hour Summary Reference
  14 0745 Bn moved off - "D" Coy Gp leading. Advance was slow owing to rd blocks and craters which were encountered every 500 - 600 yds. Very little actual opposition which was only sufficient to enable enemy to blow craters. An enemy S.P. Gun firing from the woods North of the rd approx 1,200 yds away shelled the column when it was spotted and shelled by our Arty effectively. Unluckily a piece of shrapnel struck the C.O. in the leg causing him some discomfort. At 18.30 hrs "D" Coy had advanced 4 miles and reached R. LETHE. Bridge was blown but a small bridge 400 yds to the South was found and the Coy Gp went over and established a bridgehead. "A" Coy then passed through the bridgehead to make it firm. "C" & "B" Coys did not cross the river but were in close defence of bridging site. Major B. N. R. Elder was wounded in the leg and evacuated. R.E's. commenced building bridge during night but owing to accurate enemy shelling bridging Ops were stopped at 02.00 hrs.  

Source: The Worcestershire Regiment.

Disclaimer: This War Diary is based on its original, but typos might be corrected. Locations are calculated, so might not be in the correct place. For historical research, always check the originals.