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O'Harmar, V.D.



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War Diary vermeldingen

16 october 1944 WO 171/414 - 3 Infantry Division RA
Adv on VENRAIJ continued,- 185Inf Bde by BRABANDER 7727 and east of VENRAY, and 8 Br Inf Bde by BEEK 7528. Div Arty with arty of 11 Arm Div, 15 (S) Div and units of 8 AGRA sp advance by barrage and concs. MOLENBEEK crossed with great difficulty and counter waterlogged. VENRAIJ entered by 1 Suffolk. One tp 2 AA SL bty under comd to provide artificial moonlight. Main HQRA joined Tac HQ at OPLOO. Maj JEH WISE MC RA relieved Maj V D'O HARMAR as BMRA.

