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War Diary vermeldingen

11 august 1944 WO 171/2401 - 171 Company
Lieut. Mackeller & Lieut. Milne interviewed by DDST 8 Corps for promotion. Replenishment Point opened at 1000 hrs and closed at 1115 hrs. Refill sups made from 53 FMC at LE BENY BOCAGE for the first time. 1x3-ton vehicle despatched to Rear HQ 11 Armd Div to convey concert-party to BAYEUX. T/14548244 Dvr Champan A and T/262325 Dvr Edwards JR posted to 7 FDS and 18 LFA respecitvely as replacements.

4 october 1944 WO 171/2401 - 171 Company
Replenishment in location. POL refill made from DIEST. Major Everingham and Lieut Mackeller interviewed by DAMS at Rear Div.


  • - War Diary
