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War Diary vermeldingen

14 july 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
Some enemy air activity at midday. During afternoon 1430 hrs 'A' Coy Harbour party under Lieut. Denton proceeded to MOUEN area and harboured in area 932652. Our own guns very active. Fair amount of return fire from enemy. One shell landed in location slightly injuring Dvr. Bird N.

27 july 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
Lieut. Denton proceeded to 6 RSF to relieve Capt. Orr. 'B' Coy CCP established.

23 august 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
Unit moved at 1730 hrs to 105336. One section 'A' Coy under Capt. Denton joined 7 Seaforths.

27 august 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
Unit moved to VIEUX VILLIERS 295838 arriving 1915 hrs. ADS opened. Bde deployed for SEINE crossings. 'A' Coy 1 Sect under Capt. Denton to 7th Seaforths, 1 Sect under Lt Copp to 9 Cams and 1 Sect under Capt Crean to crossings Lt Bank of RIVER SEINE. 'B' Coy est CCP VENABLES 325870.

28 august 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
R SEINE crossed and ADS est at MUIDS 310891. No casualties. 'A' Coy river crossings effected without incident 0900 hrs and CCPs est in MUIDS as follows. 1 Sect under Capt Denton 307888. 1 Sect under Lt Copp 317397. Both Sections est joint CCP 317397 at 2200 hrs. Slight shelling near village in morning. 'B' Coy crossed R SEINE and est CCP MUIDS 324897 2300 hrs.

9 september 1944 WO 177/791 - 193 Field Ambulance
A.D.S. opened light section. 1 Sect 'A' Coy under Capt Denton attached to 2 Glasgow Hdrs. Bn ordered to clear area North of GHENT, GHENT entered 1800 hrs. Intermittent shelling of town throughout evening & night.


  • - War Diary
