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de Carle, Gordon Robert

3995 / 3990


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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Corporal (Korporaal)
1st Royal Natal Carbineers, British Army
Toegekend op:
14 oktober 1943
Military Medal (MM)
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant (1e Luitenant)
1st Battalion Herefordshire Regiment, British Army
Toegekend op:
1 maart 1945
Military Cross (MC)

War Diary vermeldingen

17 october 1944 WO 171/1307 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
A and D Coys moved towards br. head with tk sp, 15/19 H. Country very open around br. head. Tks could not deploy beyond br owing to soft ground.American had informed us that br. head extended for 500 yds other side, in actual fact it extended for 200 yds. A and D Coys exposed to considerable mor and shelling crossing br causing hy cas, adv 800 yds E either side of rd.Believed enemy were in strength at Ijsselstiejn, so they were "Lime-juiced" by Typhoons. B and C Coys were brought up and D Coys att farm area 714233 taking 60 PWs. Under arty smoke screen B and C Coyes moved round the left flank and att YSSELSTEYN from the N, slight opposition met and very few own cas. B and C consolidate in areas 727225 and 722225. D and A Coys move up to 717228 and 723230. Total cas during day, Wounded, offrs Major Mason, O.C.A Coy Capt. Holding and Lt de Carle. O.Rs. 5 killed 67 wounded. R.Wsl Offr, 1 R.S.M. 1 C.S.M. and 94 O.Rs. (Identity, 16 Bn. 22 Regt.

18 june 1945 WO 171/5201 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
A Brigade Physical Training Cadre commenced under the direction of the unit APTC instructor A three weeks Junior NCO's Cadre commenced. Officer i/c Major Carle,MC.MM., TARP MR.1881 was patrolled in the morning. A large vehicle dump was discovered otherwise N.T.R.

