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Firkins, Philip Charles

22 september 1944 (Asten, Nederland)
Begraven op:
Oorlogsbegraafplaats van het Gemenebest Mierlo
Vak: V. Rij: A. Graf: 12.


Royal Armoured Corps
2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry
21 jaar oud

Lieutenant Firkins sneuvelde bij de kanaaloversteek bij Sluis 11 tussen Someren en Asten op 22 september 1944.

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War Diary vermeldingen

24 august 1944 WO 171/853 - 2 Fife and Forfar Regiment
New offrs were - Capt. A.G.E. Loran; Capt. P.L.O. Ryde; Leiut.C.W.A. Wallis; 2/Lt. F.G. Firkins.During the first three weeks the following O.Rs joined the Regt : - 71 from C.D.S. 17 from 254 C.D.S.

23 september 1944 WO 171/853 - 2 Fife and Forfar Regiment
Lieuts D.W. BULLEY and P.C. Firkins were both killed whilst crossing the Canal. Capt. B.L. FREWIN was wounded.The Regt., came under command of 159 Bde and remained in ASTEN, supporting it whilst the 23 H passed through. ‘B’ Sqn with two coys of the Herefords, mopped up the area to the SOUTH and SOUTH WEST of ASTEN. Throughout the day there was sporadic shelling and mortaring.


  • Foto 1: Jeroen Koppes
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