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Marshall-Cornwall, James Gerald

23 mei 1922 (City of Westminster/Greater London, Verenigd Koninkrijk)
30 juli 1944 (Cahagnes, Frankrijk)
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Oorlogsgraf van het Gemenebest Cahagnes


Lieutenant. Grenadier Guards, 4th Bn.

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War Diary vermeldingen

29 january 1944 WO 171/1255 - 4 Grenadier Guards
Capt. J.A. Cannan, Capt. P.A. Walker, Lieut. R.R. Etherton, Lieut. M.G.R. Harvey, Lieut. H.W. Wollaston, Lieut. G.F. Rocke, Lieut. J.G. Marshall-Cornwall, 2/Lieut. R.J. McCallum, Lieut. and Q.M. E.R. Randall.

30 july 1944 WO 171/1255 - 4 Grenadier Guards
On the left. The attack proceeded smoothly and LUTAIN WOOD was in our hands by mid-day. Capt. G.C. Grey, M.P. and Lieut. J.G. Marshall-Cornwall were killed in action during this attack.

31 july 1944 WO 171/607 - 6 Guards Tank Brigade
Casualties Officers 4 Tk Gren Gds: Capt. G.C. Grey and Lt. J.G. Marshall-Cornwall killed, Maj. R.H. Heywood-Lonsdale wounded. 4 Tk Coldm Gds: Lt. M.V. Christie-Miller killed, Lt. R.J.G.E. Buckland * and Lt. A.M. Palliser wounded. 3 Tk S.G.: Maj. J.J. Cuthbert. Capt. N.W. Beason and Lt. R. Humble killed, Lt. C.R.T. Cunningham wounded. O.Rs 4 Tk Gren Gds: 3 killed, 4 wounded, 5 missing. 4 Tk Coldm Gds: 4 killed, 46 wounded, 2 missing. 3 Tk S.G.: 15 killed, 16 wounded, 5 missing. Tanks 4 Tk Gren Gds: 2. 4 Tk Coldm Gds: 2. 3 Tk S.G.: 9.
