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Roberts, George Philip Bradley "Pip"

5 november 1906 (Quetta/Brits-Indië)
5 november 1997 (East Sussex, South East England, Engeland)


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Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Major (Majoor)
4th Armoured Brigade, British Army
Toegekend op:
8 juli 1941
Als Brigade Major van de 4th Armoured Brigade is zijn stafwerk vanaf de doorstoot vanuit Mersa Matruh tot aan de uiteindelijke nederlaag van de vijand, van het hoogste niveau geweest. Hij is altijd onvermoeibaar, kalm en grondig geweest. Op 14 december, toen het Brigade hoofdkwartier te lijden had van 18 bombardementen en 24 jageraanvallen door vijandelijke formaties van wisselende sterkte, vormde zijn persoonlijke moed een voorbeeld voor al het personeel op het hoofdkwartier en hij deed zijn werk met minachting voor eigen veiligheid.
Military Cross (MC)
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant-Colonel (Luitenant-kolonel)
3rd Battalion Royal Tank Regiment, British Army
Toegekend op:
13 augustus 1942
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Op 27 mei 1942 leidde Lt-col Roberts zijn bataljon op de vaardigste manier onder zeer moeilijke omstandigheden. Hoewel zijn eenheid in de vroege morgen zware verliezen had geleden, slaagde hij erin met groot succes een tegenaanval te lanceren tegen eenheden van de vijandelijke 90. Leichte Division ten zuiden van El Adem. Het succes was te danken aan zijn eigen leiderschap. Nadat zijn tank door een vijandelijk 88mm kanon van een afstand van nog geen 400 meter was uitgeschakeld stapte hij over in een andere tank en steldee zijn bataljon met succes opnieuw samen.
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant-Colonel (Luitenant-kolonel)
22nd Armoured Brigade, British Army
Toegekend op:
15 december 1942
Mentioned in Dispatches
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Lieutenant-Colonel (Luitenant-kolonel)
22nd Armoured Brigade, British Army
Toegekend op:
28 januari 1943
Tijdens de slag om Egypte leverde Brigadier Roberts opmerkelijke diensten. Door zijn snelle greep op tactische situaties, zijn persoonlijke moed en goede leiding stelde hij zijn Brigade in staat goede resultaten te behalen. Het was de actie van de 22nd Armoured Brigade tijdens de slag om *** die grotendeels verantwoordelijk was voor het succes van de slag. Deze resultaten waren grotendeels aan zijn goede leiding te danken.

Deze medaille is verkregen in de vorm van een gesp voor op het lint van de eerste medaille.
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Temporary Brigadier (Tijdelijk Brigade Generaal)
22nd Armoured Brigade, British Army
Toegekend op:
8 juli 1943
Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
Wegens opvallende dapperheid en plichtsbesef in het veld.
Tijdens recente operaties heeft deze officier het bevel over de Armoured Brigade in deze divisie gevoerd en bij bijna alle gelegenheden is op deze brigade een beroep gedaan om in het heetst van de strijd te staan.
Zijn omgang met de brigade is uitstekend geweest en de brigade was grotendeels verantwoordelijk voor het neerslaan van de vijandelijke weerstand.
Zijn volledige minaching voor eigen veiligheid en zijn kalme leiding over de brigade onder vuur waren een inspiratie voor alle rangen en ik beveel hem nadrukkelijk aan voor een onmiddellijke toekenning van de D.S.O.

Deze medaille is verkregen in de vorm van een tweede gesp voor op het lint van de eerste medaille.
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Temporary Major-General (Tijdelijk Generaal-Majoor)
11th Armoured Division, British Army
Toegekend op:
Officier de l' Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Temporary Major-General (Tijdelijk Generaal-Majoor)
11th Armoured Division, British Army
Toegekend op:
Croix de Guerre (1939-1945)
Tweede Wereldoorlog (1939-1945)
Major-General (Generaal-majoor)
11th Armoured Division, British Army
Toegekend op:
1 februari 1945
Major-General G.P.B. Roberts D.S.O., M.C. aanvaardde het commando over de 11th Armoured Division in December 1943.
Hij zette zich onmiddellijk met volle overgave aan de voorbereiding van zijn divisie op oorlog en werkte hier zes maanden lang onvermoeibaar aan tot de invasie van Europa begon.
Dat hij in deze taak geslaagd is, is voldoende bewezen door het opmerkelijk succes van de divisie in de strijd. Tijdens de opmars naar Odon, tijdens de uitbraak ten oosten van Caen en ook tijdens de uitbraak uit Caumont vocht Generaal Roberts met verve en vaardigheid in terrein dat totaal ongeschikt was voor oorlogvoering met tanks.
Dat zijn divisie zo goed vocht, schrijf ik grotendeels toe aan Generaal Roberts die door zijn deskundige planning, zijn enthousiasme en zijn opmerkelijke leiding tijdens het gevecht zijn officieren en manschappen zo inspireerde dat ze niet konden falen.
Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (CB)

War Diary vermeldingen

3 january 1944 WO 171/691 - 159 Infantry Brigade
Bde Comd visited Cleethorpes with the Div. Comd, Maj. Gen. G.P.B. Roberts, D.S.O. M.C. to see vehicle wading. 2/Lt Honey joined Bde H.Q. as asst. S.O. to Sig. Sec.

10 february 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Major General G.B.B. Roberts, D.S.O., M.C., paid visit to Bn of an informal nature. Formerly Col. Of the Bn his visit was of particular interest.

10 february 1944 WO 171/1255 - 4 Grenadier Guards
No. 3 Sqn held a drill parade today. Other Sqns, normal trg and maintenance. All offrs attended a lecture by Lt.Gen. Roberts DSO., MC. on the North African campaign from the tanks point of view.

11 february 1944 WO 171/607 - 6 Guards Tank Brigade
Major-General Roberts D.S.O., M.C., Comd 11 Armd Div gave a Lecture to all Offrs of the Bde on the employment of armour in The Tunisian Campaign.

25 april 1944 WO 171/691 - 159 Infantry Brigade
Bde H.Q. took part in a Harbouring Exercise. All the H.Q. vehicles took part. The G.O.C., Maj-Gen Roberts, DSO, MC., and his ADC, Capt Wood came to dinner at the Bde Mess.

31 may 1944 WO 171/997 - 151 Ayrshire Yeomanry
Major General G.P.B. Roberts, D.S.O., M.C., G.O.C. 11 Armd Div, inspected Veh Loads.

7 june 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj Gen. G.P.B. Roberts GOC 11 Armd Div addressed all Officers - General situation in France - Div roles.After briefing - C.O. Adv Party - Major H.I. Upcott-Gill received trace, routes ect. to Div Concentration Area for use on disembarkation.

7 june 1944 WO 171/997 - 151 Ayrshire Yeomanry
All officers attended briefing conference held by Major-General G.P.B. Roberts DSO, MC, GOC 11 Armd Div at Garrison Theatre ALDERSHOT.

17 june 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj. Gen G.P.B. Roberts GOC paid unofficiel visit and spoke to C.O.Remsinder RHQ, majority of A & B Sqns arrived during the day. Majority of C Sqn arrived late evening.Maintenance and rest.

18 july 1944 WO 171/854 - Inns of Court Regiment
Rgt: At 2030 hrs the Regiment was ordered to withdraw and concentrate by Sqns in area CUVERVILLE – DEMOUVILLE and close down till 0600 hrs. During the day, many identifications of prisoners were obtained and passed back to 11 Armd Div and to 8 Corps (on private net operating as L.O. on Op. Charnwood). Casualties: Capt. J.A. Bucknill (acting as L.O. with Tach HQ 29 Armd Bde) was killed, by direct hit on his Scout Car. No other casualties to personnel: 3 Scout Cars knocked out. RHQ (Main) at 035704, F2 & A Ech at ANGUERNY throughout the operation. Comd. 11 Armd Div (Maj-Gen Roberts) ordered Col. Bingley to remain with him at his Tac HQ throughout the operation. L.Os were maintained with HQs 11 Armd Div, 8 Corps and 1 Corps operating on “private net” with RHQ. An L.O. from 11 Hussars was with RHQ.

20 july 1944 WO 171/691 - 159 Infantry Brigade
The Bde continued to hold present positions, and were warned that they were going to be relieved by the 7 Cdn Bde, which was done during the day. The 3 Mon, the last to be relieved, were engaged in a tank battle on their Western flank, KO to 3 Tigers out of seven. All reported in new reserve area around MESNIL LE FREMENTEL by 2000 hrs. The Bde came under Comd of 7 Armd Div from 1600 hrs whilst our own Armd Bde had a refit in reserve area. The 159 Bde were in counter-attack role on immediate call. General Roberts, GOC, sent all units in the Div "congratulations" on good work carried out during the last two days.

9 august 1944 WO 171/703 - 185 Infantry Brigade
Bde Comd received letter from GOC 11 Armd Div (Lt.Gen. Roberts) thanking us for the manner in which we had carried out a very difficult role.

15 august 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj Gen G.P.B. Roberts, DSO, MG (Div Comd) visits above location and discusses situation with CO and CO 4 KSLI.

15 august 1944 WO 171/846 - 15-19 The King Royal Hussars
The C.O. went forward with Brigadier R.A.C. 2nd Army, to meet G.O.C. 30 Corps – Lt.Gen. B.G. Horrocks CB., DSO., MC., and G.O.C. 11 Armd. Div. – Maj.Gen. G.P.B. Roberts DSO., MC. Further arrangements about re-equipping and movement of the Regt were made. The Regt was to take over a complete new establishment of Cromwell and Challenger tanks from No. 2 A.R.G. situated just North of BAYEUX and to complete itself to establishment in B vehs, partly with new vehs drawn from this A.R.G. and partly by taking over vehs from 2nd Northants Yeo. The Regt was to replace the 2nd Northants Yeo as Armd Recce Regt to 11 Armd Div. The 2nd Northants Yeo were to be disbanded and amalgamated with their 1st line Regt. The whole situation was somewhat complicated by political difficulties over the disbandment of the 2nd Northants Yeo, and the fact that the Secretary of State had not yet given his agreement to this, which prevented the Corps Comd and Div Comd or the Regt itself being informed what was going to happen till this day.

17 august 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj Gen G.P.B. Roberts arrives to see Brig 159 Bde.

18 august 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj Gen G.P.B. Roberts DSO, MC, has conference whith AMERICANS.

25 august 1944 WO 171/997 - 151 Ayrshire Yeomanry
GOC 11 Armd Div, Maj-Gen G.P.C. Roberts, DSO visited Regt in the morning; also CRA 11 Armd Div. Brigadier P.J. Fowler, DSO.

26 august 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Maj/Gen G.P.B. Roberts, DSO,MC; accompanied by Brig. C.B. Harvey, DSO.visits the Bn and walks around Squadron area talking to the men.

5 september 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
Div Comd. Major-General G.P.B. Roberts, DSO, MC pays personal visit to CO to congratulate the Bn on its magnificent performance during the last two days.

9 september 1944 WO 171/866 - 3 Royal Tank Regiment
CO receives orders direct from Maj-General G.P.B. Roberts DSO,MC (11 Armd Div) and in consequence Bn is ordered to enemy resistance in area NW & N of BEERINGEN up to railway line. A Sqn take main rd running North from town B Sqn take rd running north just over canal. C Sqn recce TERUANT 2176.

17 september 1944 WO 171/854 - Inns of Court Regiment
A Sqn: Sqn visited by Lieut-General Roberts, (G.O.C. 11 Armd Div.). Standing patrols on line of the canal from a bridge at 570800 S.E. of BREE to NEERPELT rly bridge at 397953. Enemy inf. contacted on CAULILLE – BOCHOLT Rd. and one car which remained in observation for the remainder of the day was shelled and mortared continously. Sqn Ldr reported to HQ 11 Armd Div with full information about the canal line in the Regtl area, the information being required by G.O.C. 3rd Br. Inf. Div. who was to make assault crossings.

17 september 1944 WO 171/854 - Inns of Court Regiment
B Sqn: Sqn visited by Major General Roberts (G.O.C. 11 Armd Div.).

17 september 1944 WO 171/854 - Inns of Court Regiment
D Sqn: Sqn visited by Major General Roberts (G.O.C. 11 Armd Div).

1 october 1944 WO 171/846 - 15-19 The King Royal Hussars
There had been heavy rain during the night and rain continued steadily throughout most of the day. Regt remained in the same location and it was learned that we were unlikely to move until the 10th or 11th of the month. This period of maintenance, rest and reorganisation is most welcome and necessary after the Regt had been operating continuously without a break for almost exactly 6 weeks. During the morning Major General G.P.B. Roberts DSO, LC Comd. 11 Armd.Div. paid an informal visit to the Regt and walked around the 'HQ' B and C Sqns in order to meet Officers and Other Ranks. This was the first occasion since the Regt had come under his command on coming overseas that he had had an oppertunity really to meet the Regt. During the day all Sqns held Church services which were taken by the Rev. C.F. Pickup, Chaplain to 151 Fd. Regt R.A. (Ayrshire Yeomanry) who was now doing Padre to the Regt as well. It was learned that the Americans had met strong opposition in the area LACTARIA and woods to the South West of it and in VORTUM and their attack was making only slow progress.

28 june 1945 WO 171/5201 - 1 Herefordshire Regiment
7 Reinforcements posted to the Bn. The General Officer Commanding, 11th, Armoured Division (Major General Roberts C.B.,D.S.O.,M.C.) paid an informal visit to the Bn. between 0900 hrs and 1000 hrs. He first met the officers of the Bn., and then inspected the M.T.workshops, "S" Coy. billets, cookhouse and R.A.P.Lieutenant R.P.Wright, "A" Coy, posted to 54 R.H.U.

